
Käpäcläjui Training Center is located on the Indian reservation of Tayutic, Turrialba, in the province of Cartago, Costa Rica. It includes a training center and hostel that facilitates interaction between locals and visitors, and develops sustainable community projects in harmony with the environment. In turn, the Center is part of a strategic system of rural integration and community strengthening including roads, caves and trails. Additionally, we design a network of pedestrian bridges that make some sections accessible at critical times of the year and can provide temporary shelter.

宿舍项目包括470平方米,沿其纵轴分布在一个 “大型线性布局 “内。它在第一层包括行政区域(办公室)、多功能厅、餐厅、厨房、休息室、计算机房、图书馆和仓库。在前部的双重高度,它包含了一个 “夹层”,作为提供临时庇护的区域。

The Hostel project consists of 470 m2 distributed within a ‘large linear layout’ along its longitudinal axis. It comprises on the first level administrative areas (offices), multipurpose rooms, dining, kitchen, restrooms, computer room, library and warehouses. In the double height of the front part it incorporates a ‘mezzanine’ as a area that provides temporary shelter.


双方之间的和睦关系产生于土著发展协会Cabecar Chirripó、社会援助联合研究所(IMAS)和哥斯达黎加Holcim基金会的社区管理,他们随后将Entre Nos Atelier纳入设计过程。

Inclusive design: project development and community participation

The rapprochement between the parties arises from the community management of the Indigenous Development Association Cabecar Chirripó, the Joint Institute for Social Aid (IMAS) and Holcim Foundation of Costa Rica, who subsequently incorporated Entre Nos Atelier into the design process.

该项目的愿景产生于一系列的参与性设计研讨会和随后对提案的验证。这些研讨会是促进社区在查看和决策时的所有权意识的关键。这是一个了解和 “共同创造 “与环境相一致的区域并关注用户需求的机会。

The vision of the project arises from a series of participatory design workshops and subsequent validation of the proposals. These workshops were key to promoting a sense of ownership in the community when viewing and making decisions. It was the opportunity to understand and ‘co-create’ areas coherent with the environment and focusing on the needs of the user.

作为一个前瞻性的过程,我们与社区一起调查了他们对 “理想 “空间的定性看法以及与功能决定因素的关系。在社区领袖和当地方言翻译的支持下,这些信息被绘制、图解、解释和综合,以建立项目和方案基础的指导方针。

As a prospective process, we investigated with the community about their qualitative perception of an ‘ideal’ space and the relationship with functional determinants. This information is drawn, diagrammed, interpreted and synthesized with the support of community leaders and translators of the local dialect to establish guidelines for the project and programmatic bases.

机会和设计结果是多方面的;从定义一个舒适的、可渗透的、通风的、与环境直接接触的、包含绿色区域和花园的空间质量。此外,材料也是决定性的,并在欣赏一个轻盈和开放的 “庇护所 “时被广泛讨论;增加了由suita组织产生的陡峭的斜坡,高的空间和功能的局部阐释。

The opportunities and design findings were multiple; from the qualities that define a comfortable, permeable space, ventilated, in direct contact with the environment and incorporating green areas and gardens. Moreover the materiality was also decisive and was discussed widely in the appreciation of a light and open ‘shelter’; adding steep slopes arising from the tissues of suita, high spaces and local elucidations of the functional.

在这些管理过程中,Entre Nos Atelier的服务功能是协调不同的利益,并作为用户解释的建筑理念的合作伙伴。与建筑公司(Xylo集团)的技术协调也很重要,他们在所选材料(木材)方面的丰富经验,为项目优化和探索有益的技术-结构标准。

During these management processes, the service function of Entre Nos Atelier was to coordinate among the different interests, and to serve as partners of architectural ideas interpreted from the users. The technical coordination with the construction company (Xylo group) was also relevant, and their extensive experience with the selected material (wood) to optimize and explore beneficial technical-constructive criteria for the project.


The experience both in the design phase and during construction, is internalized as the constant opportunity of awareness of the surroundings; promoted by the consent and availability of the project team, and to positively impact the community and consequent architectural identity of the project.


关于感官角度,该项目代表了一个不断发展的过程。从投入设计项目的建筑意图来看,争论的是轻量级的空间,通过层级或釉面在相互连接的空间之间进行微妙的过渡,与外部直接相连。然后像每个建筑项目一样,发现的惊喜揭示了空间交叉时的视觉效果。我们强调了不同垂直平面之间的 “petatillos “的重叠网格过渡,创造了一种视觉上的运动感或莫伊雷效应。亲密性的梯度和部分遮蔽感可以在房间之间或在室内外循环过程中通过围护结构上的 “面纱 “被感知到。这些都体现在由多色调木材组成的 “重叠组织 “的面板上,逐渐预示着你可以在下一个房间找到什么。

Architecture and sensory experience

Regarding the sensory perspective, the project represents a constantly evolving process. From the architectural intentions put into the design project, arguing about lightweight spaces, subtle transitions between interconnected spaces by layers or glazes with a direct connection to the outside. Then as in every built architecture project, the surprises found reveal visual effects as spaces are crossed. We highlight the overlapping grid of ‘petatillos’ between different vertical planes transition, creating a visual sense of movement or Moiré effect. The gradient of intimacy and sense of partial shelter can be perceived between rooms or during the indoor-outdoor circulation through ‘veils’ on the envelope. These are embodied by panels assembled as ‘overlapping tissues’ of multi-tonal woods, gradually anticipating what you can find in the next room.


Finally, during the last phase of community ownership is where perhaps the most vivid and spontaneous surprises will arise, product of everyday use and appreciation of a formal-functional expression.

Architects: Entre Nos Atelier
Year : 2014
Photographs :Ingrid Johanning
Electrical : Ing. Oscar Arias Leiva
Structures : Ing. Juan Tuk Duran y Arq. Adolfo Mejía (Grupo XILO)
Construction : Central de Servicios Químicos S.A.
Client : Instituto Holcim, Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social (IMAS) y la Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de la Reserva Indígena Cabecar del Bajo Chirripó
Cost : $ 400 000
City : Turrialba
Country : Costa Rica