
The assignment consisted of developing an Event Hall and a Guest House for a Vineyard in the Casablanca Valley. We had previously developed a Wine Cellar in 2005. The winery project was small in size but had to consider a lot of flexibility for future growth.

由于葡萄园的未来发展是未知的,我们认为最灵活和最好的发展方式是每个阶段的发展都是一个完成的建筑,与未来增加的建筑形成一种 “葡萄酒城堡”。

As the future development of the vineyard was unknown, we think that the most flexible and the best way to grow was for each stage of growth to be a finished building, forming a kind of “wine citadel” with future buildings that were added.


This eliminated the risk of leaving buildings half-completed due to extensions that were never finally completed. In addition, it allowed future projects to accommodate new winemaking technologies without conflict with the structure of the initial stage building.

为此,必须设计一个总体规划,使该地区能够被组织起来,容纳这个 “葡萄酒堡垒 “的可能建筑,那里将有一个生产区,如酿酒厂、机房和相关服务,但也有与葡萄酒业务相关的旅游和行政项目。

For this, a master plan had to be designed that would allow the territory to be organized, hosting the possible buildings of this “wine citadel”, where there would be a productive area, such as wineries, machine rooms, and associated services, but also tourist and administrative programs associated with the wine business.


This strategy was finally very successful since the growth was not precisely in the productive area, but rather in the tourism sector, where it became necessary to host guests and events that were becoming more frequent.

该项目建议增加两个雕塑体量,与酒厂的原始体量保持一致,形成三个雕塑,栖息在山上的不同高度,以寻求山谷和葡萄园的最佳景观,如 “山坡上的三个雕塑花岗岩岩石。”

The project proposes adding two sculptural volumes that are in keeping with the original volume of the winery, forming three sculptures that perch at different heights on the hill, to seek the best views of the valley and the vineyards, such as “three sculpted granite rocks on the hillside. ”

每个 “雕塑 “都是由一个混凝土基座组成,将其固定并安放在地面上,而在基座之上,一个木质外壳将内部空间包裹起来。在地窖里,木质外壳被修剪成自然光和通风。在活动大厅和房子里,这个外壳被切割以纳入光线,但首先是为了捕捉远处风景的水平视野。

Each “sculpture” is made up of a concrete plinth that fixes it and settles it in the ground, and on top of that, a wooden shell arms the interior space. In the cellar, the wooden envelope is trimmed to incorporate natural light and ventilation. In the Event Hall and the House, this shell is cut to incorporate light but above all to catch the horizontal views of the distant landscape.


This envelope, in turn, fragments and separates in the manner of a crack to incorporate overhead light in most interior rooms. The mirrors of water reflect the landscape and refresh the atmosphere on hot summer days. The granite sculptures and the water in the pools refer to one of the characteristics of the wine in this area, highly influenced by the earth, and rich in this mineral.

Architects: Juan Carlos Sabbagh Arquitectos
Area: 410 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs:Cristobal Palma
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Cementos Melon, MK, WoodArch
Lead Architects: Juan Carlos Sabbagh Cruz
Engineering: Ingevsa
Landscape: Magdalena Sabbagh Cruz
Structures: Mauricio Guajardo Rubio
City: Casablanca
Country: Chile