广岛弘(Kiro Hiroshima)是由田中裕之建筑师(Hiroyuki Tanaka Architects)设计的位于日本广岛的简约精品酒店。该酒店是由市中心的一家医院改建而成,旨在营造一种根深蒂固的当地文化体验。游泳池的骨架被重新设计为休息室和酒吧区,以促进客人之间的交流。

Kiro Hiroshima is a minimalist boutique hotel located in Hiroshima, Japan, designed by Hiroyuki Tanaka Architects. The hotel was converted from a hospital in the city center, and was aimed at creating a deeply rooted experience of the local culture. The skeleton of the pool was repurposed as a lounge and bar area, promoting communication between guests.

Design:Hiroyuki Tanaka Architects