
The project which is an old decrepit kindergarten located at Izumi city in the south of Osaka.


Izumi is a city which take the textile as the main industry from long time ago. But now as the work transfer to the overseas where has cheap labor, the local industry recession is today’s situation. About this planning, we set two topics.

一个是,通过日常活动来解决孩子们因场地不足而导致的运动不足的问题。 另一个是,为了让孩子们了解当地的历史,加入了代表当地产业的纺织元素。 具体来说,为了增加场地不足的运动量,为孩子们创造一个可以奔跑的环境,以及起伏的地面。

One is, By daily activities to solve kids’ lake of exercise which caused by inadequate site. Another is, for teaching kids about the local history, put in the element of textile which representative the local industry. Concretely, for increasing the amount of exercise in the inadequate site, made an environment that kids can run around, and undulating ground.


The building is surround the middle yard, and ramp which people can climb from first flower to roof is be built. By this plan, kids can bend to a squat and climb to the roof, and then run around get down from stairs to the middle yard. And all these activities make kids’ amount of exercise has been greatly improved. About the local industry, as one of the mine idea of the design, by using fabric to make the sign and paste carpet on the wall for letting kids play on it, to actualize that the building materials can be touched softly, and also can let kids feel the material texture.

Architects: HIBINOSEKKEI, Youji no Shiro
Area: 1244 m²
Year: 2016
Photographs: Ryuji Inoue / Studio Bauhaus
Manufacturers: Bozo, Runon
Site Area :4230 m2
Building Area :799 m2