爱媛县松山市的一个重建幼儿园项目。最近,在一个省级城市,汽车是日常必需品,孩子们乘坐公共汽车或汽车去幼儿园的情况越来越普遍。因此,他们在日常生活中做运动的机会越来越少。越来越多的孩子在室内玩电子游戏机,因此他们也很少有机会在丰富多彩的自然环境中找到自己的乐趣。在这种情况下,KO幼儿园以 “让健康从游戏开始 “为理念进行了重建。

A rebuild kindergarten project in Matsuyama, Ehime. Recently cars are daily necessities in a provincial city and it gets more common children go to kindergarten by bus or car. So they have fewer chances to take exercises in daily life. An increasing number of children play with video games inside so that they also have fewer chances to find plays in variegated nature environment by themselves. In these situations, KO Kindergarten is rebuilt with the concept “Make Health from Playing”

通过横向和纵向移动每个房间,如员工办公室和托儿所,创造自由空间,创造出14种独特的游戏空间,看起来像一条街道,是过去孩子们玩耍的地方风景。山梨大学教育学教授中村和彦说,儿童在童年时期应该学会36个身体动作,如 “跑”、”跳”、”堆”、”抱 “等。所有这36个动作都可以在这14个游戏空间内靠拢。

By shifting each room such as staff’s office and nursery rooms horizontally and vertically to create free spaces, 14 kinds of unique play spaces are made which look like a street, a local scenery for children to play in the past. Kazuhiko Nakamura, a professor of education at Yamanashi University, said in the childhood children should learn 36 body motions such as “run”, “jump”, “pile”, “hold” and so on. All of these 36 motions can be leaned in these 14 play spaces inside.

根据对原幼儿园和新幼儿园儿童动作的比较研究,3-5岁儿童的步数平均增加了20%。此外,在原建筑中看不到的 “投掷”、”穿越”、”爬行 “和 “骑行 “在新建筑中也能看到。在平坦的操场上,动作是有限的,但在新的操场上,有两个小山丘,有天然的草地。

According to the comparative study of the children’s movement in the former and the new kindergarten, the number of steps increased by 20% at the average for 3-5 children. Furthermore, “throw”, “go through”, “creep” and “ride” which can’t be seen in the former building can be seen in the new. In the flat playground, the motions were limited but in a new playground there are two small hills with natural grass.


Their children enjoy rolling over and climbing up. In addition, many bugs and flowers are coming so that children create new plays by themselves. In these ways, by making play spaces to make children take exercises, not only the quantity of exercise and the physical strength are improved just through playing, but also these environments encourage them to create plays and stimulate many kinds of interests.

Architects: HIBINOSEKKEI, Kids Design Labo, Youji no Shiro
Area: 2220 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Studio Bauhaus, Ryuji Inoue