这个项目始于客户的关键词 “每个家庭都在一个屋檐下”。这个地面的正面很宽,地面也足够大。 这是一个很好的场地位置。

This project started with the client’s keyword of “every family under one roof”. The frontage of this ground is wide and the ground is big enough. It’s good site location.

我最大限度地利用了这个场地的位置。 具体来说,我把大屋顶安排在南北方向,并尽量减少墙的数量,以满足 “每个家庭在一个屋顶下 “的关键词。 我在一楼安排了其他房间,但为将来的孩子准备了房间。 这栋房子就像一栋单层建筑,成为该地区的一个象征性建筑。

I maximized the site location. Concretely speaking, I arranged big roof in a north-south direction, and minimized the number of walls to meet the keyword of “every family under one roof”. I arranged other rooms but rooms for children in the future in the first floor. The house like a one-story building became one symbolic building in the area.

Architects: Hearth Architects
Area: 129 m²
Year: 2016
Photographs: Yuta Yamada
Manufacturers: VELUX Commercial, YKK AP, Island Profile