新英国设计公司的最新装置是在英国北康沃尔海岸的一个废弃的石板采石场中占据了四个独特的荒野小屋–或称 “Kudhva”。

New British Design’s latest installation is the occupation of four unique wilderness cabins – or ‘Kudhva’ – in a disused slate quarry on Britain’s North Cornwall coast.

这些小木屋由Ben Huggins设计,旨在成为该地更广泛的总体规划的第一阶段,为公众提供体验临时小规模实验性建筑的机会。Huggins与客户和长期合作者Louise Middleton合作,在开发首批四个原型小木屋之前,制定了项目概要。

The cabins, design by Ben Huggins are intended to be the first phase of a wider masterplan for the site offering the public the chance to experience temporary small scale experimental architecture. Huggins’ worked with client and long-term collaborator Louise Middleton on the project brief before developing the first four prototype cabins.

Kudhva “这个词来自康涅狄格语,意为 “藏身之所”,是开发这些隐居地简介的试金石。这些小木屋旨在提供一个独特的视角,从他们在树丛中的高处看康沃尔的风景。

The word ‘Kudhva’ come from the Cornish for ‘hideout’ and was the touchstone for developing the brief for these secluded retreats. The cabins are intended to offer a unique perspective on the Cornish landscape from their elevated position amongst the trees.

由造船师转为家具制造商的托比-夏普(Toby Sharp)与一小队工匠在附近的工场建造,然后将小木屋组装并运到现场,再由起重机吊到摇篮基座上。小木屋是由结构性的、绝缘的页岩松板和EDPM橡胶膜覆盖构成的。

Built by boat builder turned furniture maker Toby Sharp with a small team of master craftsmen in a nearby workshop, the cabins were then assembled and transported to site before being craned onto their cradle bases. The cabins are constructed from structural, insulated paged-pine panels with an EDPM rubber membrane covering.


A larch-slatted skin covers the cabin that is elevated above the ground on turned pine poles. Galvanised steel is used for all railings, ladders, frame jointing and ground connections, providing both ease of assembly and extended life span of all timber elements.


The project is now open to the public with the cabins available to rent. The site also hosts a temporary scaffolding reception building offering a canteen as well as toilets and showers. Further projects are planed for next spring and talks have already begun with other similarly interested agencies with regard to future collaborations exploring new shelter typologies and other architectural interventions for the quarry site.

Architects: New British Design
Area : 5 m²
Year : 2018
Photographs :George Fielding, Roy Riley
Lead Architects : Ben Huggins
Landscape : Dean Danger Associates
Clients : Louise Middleton
Engineering : Toby Sharp
Country : United Kingdom