
A bridge in Osogoe, Shuto Town, Iwakuni City destroyed by the Western Japan Flood in July 2018, was rebuilt as a wooden bridge that will become a new symbol for the community.

桥的两边是 “Dassai “的工厂和商店,”Dassai “是以其独特的清酒生产而闻名的朝日酒厂生产的日本清酒,朝日酒厂通过捐赠承担了建筑费用中的木制部分。

On both sides of the bridge are the factory and store of “Dassai”, a Japanese sake produced by Asahi-Shuzo brewery known for its unique sake production, which covered the wooden part of the construction cost by donation.


Considering the risk of recurring disasters, an RC frame was combined with 105-square cypress balustrades. The arrangement of the cypresses created a gentle curve that echoed the surrounding mountain range, and the use of 105-square members, the most used member-size in Japanese wooden construction, created a bridge with a nostalgic human scale.


By combining Japan’s proud carpentry skills with the modern technology of computational design, a human and soft expression that has never been seen before in conventional civil engineering structures was created.

Architects: Kengo Kuma & Associates
Year : 2022
Photographs :Katsumasa Tanaka
Design Team : Minoru Yokoo, Shun Horiki, Toshiro Ota, Rikuro Sakaushi, Hossam Elbrrashi, Tomohiro Matsunaga
Construction : Nichiei Kogyo, Yuri Kensetsu Kogyo
Cooperation : OAKplus
City : Iwakuni
Country : Japan