作为波哥大市长办公室发起的产生经济复兴干预措施的继续,哥伦比亚建筑师协会召集的设计团队进行了La Concordia露天剧场的设计。

As a continuation of the initiative of the Bogotá mayor’s office to generate economic reactivation interventions, the design team called by the Colombian Society of Architects carried out the design of the La Concordia Amphitheater.

从 “La perse “项目(colab19.co/la-perse)中学习,了解到通过脚手架的垂直物理距离的概念是非常成功的,因为它成功地将Pla de la Perseverancia广场的容量增加了两倍。这有助于其在大流行时期的经济复苏。

Learning from the “La perse” project (colab19.co/la-perse), it was understood that the concept of vertical physical distancing through scaffolding was very successful since it managed to triple the capacity of the Plaza de la Perseverancia. This helped its economic reactivation in times of pandemic.

当 “La Concordia “市场寻求哥伦比亚建筑师协会在其空地上生成一个类似的装置时,人们理解这个装置将带有类似于先前干预的表达。然而,项目的用途应该是多样化的,因为Plaza de la Perseverancia市场广场只有与美食有关的用途。在协和广场的情况下,人们很快就明白,它不仅有美食的用途,而且还非常注重商业和娱乐用途(剧院和画廊)。

At the time that the “La Concordia” market place sought out the Colombian Society of Architects to generate a similar installation in its open spaces, it was understood that this installation would carry an expression similar to the previous intervention. However, the use of the project should be diversified since the Plaza de la Perseverancia market square only has uses related to gastronomy. In the case of the Plaza de la Concordia, it was quickly understood that it not only served gastronomic uses but also had a strong focus on commercial and recreational uses (theatre and gallery).


In this way, Colab-19 (colab19.co), came to the conclusion that the new intervention should show the diversity of uses and the cultural importance of the square. Therefore, the proposal was proposed as a flexible amphitheatre capable of housing the gastronomic, commercial and recreational uses present in the place. Having the typology of a U, the scaffolding is accommodated at the entrance of the square to generate a stage that uses the façade of the existing building as a theatre curtain. This space can be used flexibly for any type of recreational activity, be it a performance, a concert or even a mass. This is to support the entertainment sector of the city of Bogotá, which has been seriously affected by the pandemic.

在一楼,干预措施为广场的商业店铺提供了空间,在美食用途方面,提出了一个可居住的楼梯,保证客人之间的社交距离。在Plaza de la Perserverancia项目中吸取的教训之一是,干预措施是对公共空间的占有。出于这个原因,Concordia圆形剧场的顶层被提议作为一个观点,以便将占用的公共空间还给城市。最后,达成了一个有利于波哥大市民的设计。

On the first floor, the intervention provides spaces for the commercial shops of the square and in terms of gastronomic uses, a habitable staircase was proposed that guarantees social distancing among its guests. One of the lessons learned in the project of Plaza de la Perserverancia was that the intervention was appropriating the public space. For this reason, the top floor of the Concordia amphitheater was proposed as a viewpoint in order to return the occupied public space to the city. Finally, a design was reached that benefits the citizens of Bogotá.


The 2020 pandemic has managed to intensify existing inequities throughout the world. In a Latin American context, where the vast majority of the population does not have the possibility of working from home, the socio-economic repercussions of the pandemic will be felt in the years to come. For this reason, Colab-19 (colab19.co) makes a call to other Latin American offices that are seeking to expand to work collaboratively and thus cover the problems present in our context through tactical architecture interventions.

Architects: Colab-19, SCA, Taller Architects
Area : 154 m²
Year : 2020
Manufacturers : LAYHER, Rhinoceros
City : Bogotá
Country : Colombia