
This project is to turn an old house into a café. The relationship between the new building and the old roof was important. It was not a matter of preservation, but rather a matter of the simple fact that ‘different times meet.’ There are so many examples of renovating old houses. In addition to home renovations in Japan, many houses in Seoul are now being transformed into commercial spaces. What was important to me was the complete separation of the 1980s and 2020s by the roof and walls. The roof has already been completed, so I thought that newly created things should be extremely current. The ray of time does not come down under the roof. I didn’t want the project to take over the roof history with words like retro or new retro or reprint.


There are tastes in the purpose of the form, but the problem of characteristics is bigger in that the project must be in the current field of Seoul. As mentioned, there are numerous home renovation projects in Seoul, and most are focused on reproduction or retro. Or they completely ignore the microhistory of the building from today’s point of view. I am not criticizing these two attitudes as wrong. But at least I am simply acknowledging the existence of the building’s history.

nLDK–在这里,用户喝咖啡,偶尔看书,像我现在这样敲打他们的笔记本电脑,和他们的朋友聊天。而用户必须与他人分享这个空间。从这个角度来看,nLDK规划的墙体结构是很困难的。 一个人几乎不能睡觉的小房间,一家人聚在一起看电视的客厅,以及一对夫妇的卧室,都必须转变为必须与陌生人共享的空间。当我看到这种新的行为在现有房屋的规模上进行时,不舒服的感觉在我的身体里浮现。也许是因为我觉得自己是躺在别人的房子里?

nLDK – Here, users drink coffee, read a book occasionally, tap their laptop like I do now, and chat with their friends. And users must share that space with others. From that point of view, the wall structure nLDK plan is difficult. A small room where one person can barely sleep, a living room where the family gathers to watch TV, and a couple’s bedroom must be transformed into a space that must be shared with strangers. When I see this new act being performed on the scale of an existing house, uncomfortable feelings come to mind in my body. Maybe it’s because I feel like I’m lying in someone else’s house?

然而,不可能拆除所有的墙壁。必须做最低限度的结构加固,大部分的墙都必须保留。之后,我在中间的墙上做了一个大约300毫米的延伸墙。这是为了避免看起来像一个熟悉的计划。我不确定这种干预的效果如何。尽管如此,我觉得这个空间已经变得不那么 “家 “了。在某些日子里,设计可能无法完全克服或完全解决它。然而,在某种程度上,某些问题已经得到了一些解决,这是令人满意的。积极的干预会使70平方米的空间变窄。我必须在’消除房子的气氛和’宽敞’之间做出决定,我选择了第二种。

However, it was not possible to remove all the walls. Minimal structural reinforcement had to be made and most of the walls had to be maintained. After that, I made an extension wall of about 300mm on the center wall. This is to avoid looking like a familiar plan. I’m not sure how effective this intervention was. Nevertheless, I feel that this space has become less ‘homey’. On some days, design may not be able to fully overcome or completely solve it. However, it is satisfactory to some extent that certain problems have been resolved a little. Aggressive intervention would have narrowed the 70 square meter space. I had to decide between ‘removing the atmosphere of the house and ‘spacious’, and I chose the second.

Architects: Studio Studio
Area : 70 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Park Sehee
Design, Construction Management, Supervising & Furniture Design : Do Gwanghun
City : Incheon
Country : South Korea