房子位于布宜诺斯艾利斯市北部的住宅区Vicente López的一块10米x25米的土地上。

The house is located on a plot of 10mts x 25mts in Vicente López, a residential neighborhood north of the city of Buenos Aires.


A low density area, mainly for single-family homes whose limits are determined by dividing walls or fences of leafy vegetation.


Two pure volumes solved with an integral metal structure, large stainless steel windows and glass with different degrees of transparency, opacity and reflection variates depending in the uses of the house.


The juxtaposition of these elements is articulated by a gallery that works as a natural semi-covered expansion of the ground floor and at the same time as a transition space between the entrance and the garden.

一个比街道水平高一米的底层,一个工作室和一个半埋的浴室组成了完全由钢筋混凝土制成的 “立体 “地下室。

A ground floor one meter high compared to street level, a studio and a semi-buried bathroom make up the “stereotomic” basement of the house materialized entirely in reinforced concrete.


A blind volume contains the staircase that articulates the living-dining room with the kitchen, the gallery and the different levels of the house.

上层有一个清晰的 “构造 “表达和轻盈的外观,有助于减少房子对花园和周围环境的影响的想法。

The upper floor with a clear “tectonic” expression and light appearance contributes with the idea of reducing the impact of the house on the garden and the immediate surroundings.

Architects : Colle-Croce
Year : 2017
Photographs :Gustavo Sosa Pinilla
Manufacturers : Ebenor, Ebenor, Indelval, Lövträ, Lövträ, Matto, Molinos Tarquini
Structure : Daniel Gordano
Constructor : Daniel Antonucci
Collaborators : Christian Páez López, Lucas Bruno, Franco Zanotti, Mauricio González, Marcos Garbín, Lubna Godoy.
Country : Argentina