Lima Duva是Lima Bella的一个新阶段,位于泰国沙美岛的Aow Praw。沙美岛是现代情侣寻求浪漫之地的热门目的地,因此有 “Pai Samed Sed Took Raii “的说法,指的是该岛的迷人氛围。在泰国19世纪的文学作品《Pra Apai Manee》中,其受人尊敬的诗人Sunthorn Phu将沙美岛作为一个充满激情的章节的背景。设计团队认为,沙美岛一般被认为与爱情和浪漫有关,因此,设计开发的想法是创造一个为情侣和他们的活动服务的地方,同时不疏远家庭客人。每个单元都有其半户外阳台,作为与相邻单元的隔断,以最大限度地提高隐私。

Lima Duva is a new phase of Lima Bella, located on Aow Praw, Koh Samed, Thailand. Koh Samed is a popular destination among modern couples who seek a place for romance, hence the phrase “Pai Samed Sed Took Raii,” referring to the island’s enchanting atmosphere. In Thailand’s 19th century literature, “Pra Apai Manee,” its revered poet Sunthorn Phu used Koh Samed as the setting for a passionate chapter. The design team took the notion that Koh Samed was generally perceived in relation to love and romance, thus the design development idea was to create a place that serves couples and their activities, while not alienating the family guests. Each unit has its semi-outdoor balcony acting as a divider from the adjacent unit to maximize the privacy.


All ground floor units have access to the pool and a private Jacuzzi for two occupants. The color of the pool tiles gradually become darker at the Jacuzzi area to create visual privacy for the guests. Ventilation blocks are used along the corridors to bring in the sunlight in a pattern that varies throughout the day, creating different impressions when walking back and forth. The lobby was designed in a simple white geometric form located close to the main road, enclosing the courtyard and the existing trees. At the entrance guests need to bend down slightly as the space leads them in, gently revealing parts of the resort. The white box lobby can also be used as a screen for films and other media projection, using the courtyard as the seating area.

Architects: IDIN Architects
Year : 2015
Photographs :Spaceshift Studio
Landscape Architect : PERGOLAR