为获奖的染发师和造型师Sofia Geideby的发型、风格和颜色工作室。位于斯德哥尔摩的220平方米的地下室,以前被用作办公空间,被剥去了一百多年的原始状态,露出美丽的混凝土墙和工业钢结构。我们的目的是将空间去芜存菁,创造一个大的开放空间,使四根柱子重新成为主房间的主角。

Hair, style, and color studio for award-winning colorist and stylist Sofia Geideby. 220 square meter basement in Stockholm, formerly used as an office space, was stripped down to its over hundred-year-old original state, revealing beautiful concrete walls and an industrial steel structure. Our aim was to declutter the space and create one big open space, making the four pillars the heroes of the main room again.


The color scheme is a muted version of the three primary colors – yellow, blue, and red. The entire space was painted in a creamy, powder yellow tint. A muted backdrop adds to the colorful creations of Little Faktory. Painting the concrete and the steel structure in a creamy yellow color was a way of blending the new with the old – softening the rough concrete without losing its travertine-like texture.


Light, free-standing additions in basic geometrical shapes form the base for the cutting stations and partition wall. Along with one of the concrete walls the cutting stations are kept to a minimum, comprised of a wall-mounted, floating side table, circular wall-mounted mirrors, and square-shaped display shelves. The placement of the mirrors creates infinity effects of colors and shapes, adding to the openness and playful feel of the studio. Along the back wall three sets of custom-made, glazed double doors, reveal a color lab, a VIP studio, and an office space.

对于照相馆,我们委托了一个定制的彩色古斯塔夫-韦斯特曼镜子。霓虹灯设计师Josefin Eklund被委托来照亮入口楼梯。

For the photo studio, a custom-color Gustaf Westman mirror was commissioned. Neon designer Josefin Eklund was commissioned to light up the entrance stairway.

Architects: Westblom Krasse Arkitektkontor
Area : 220 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :Mikael Olsson
Manufacturers : AutoDesk, Artigo, Hidealite
Rubber Flooring : Falck Design
City : Stockholm
Country : Sweden