位于 “Jardins “社区–该社区目前正经历着剧烈的变化–在一条交通繁忙的大道上,面向北方的建筑作为这个热带城市的强大和有机的 “化身 “出现–如噪音和太阳辐射–并通过吸收这些侵略而形成。虽然它是一个对手,但这个建筑并不是自主的,也不是盲目的或聋哑的–它从当地的能量中诞生,并利用这些能量赋予环境新的含义,形成回旋镖般的效果。

Located in the neighborhood of “Jardins” – which presently experiences radical changes – and in an avenue with busy traffic, the building faced north emerges as a strong and organic ‘incarnation’ of this tropical city – such as noise and solar radiation – and takes form by absorbing these aggressions. Though it is imponent, the construction isn’t autonomous, nor blind or deaf – it is born from its local energy and uses that to give the environment new meanings, in a boomerang-like effect.


The impossible transparency between building and street is build through the deconstruction of the façade: the organic and fluid brise-soleil membrane deforms itself under the effect of the traffic movements. It protects the building from the sun and works in two other very contrasting ways: it lets the public eyes inside and – at the same time – filters theses eyes, giving the users certain privacy.


The construction stares at the city and reveals its interiors delicately through various overlaid layers: the glass gates, the brise-soleil and the frontal translucent glazing connect the external to the internal visually. Meanwhile, in the back façade double opaque and single translucent glazing alternate in an intriguing visual game, creating luminosity and reinforcing the contact between inside and outside.

这种视觉和感觉上的连续性反映在一种强烈而麻烦的关系中–公众的目光和用户的隐私。项目的内部生活是由观察者陪伴的。混凝土框架板与 “外墙-膜 “相连,并补充了这些事务,连接内部和外部环境。

This visual and sensorial continuity reflects in a strong and troubled relationship – the public eye and the privacy of the user. The internal life of the project is accompanied by the observer. A concrete frame panel is connected to the ‘façade-membrane’, and complements these affairs, connecting the interior and exterior environments.


The three floors are structured by a strong vertical element – the concrete staircase. Its folded geometry connects all internal rooms, from the parking lot to the solarium at the top floor – an infinite deck that opens up to the trees around the building – what helps it merge with its surroundings.

Architects: Triptyque
Area : 1059 m²
Year : 2006