一个马厩被改造成一个家。宏大的空间让人印象深刻,富丽堂皇。纵观历史,该建筑已被重建数次。这创造了一个奇怪的窗户组成。我们看到了这一点的美,并希望通过增加天窗来进一步加强这种 “窗户的混搭”。

A horse stable is converted into a home. The grand space is impressive and magnificent. Throughout history the building has been rebuilt several times. This created a strange composition of windows. We see the beauty of this and want to enhance this “windowshuffle” even more by adding skylights.


Further interventions are minimal: some window and roof openings have been added, the attic floor will be replaced by a new open plank-mezzanine floor, a staircase and a kitchen unit will be added. Nothing further. The new planks (as shelter and mezzanine floor), the plastered panelling and the framing of the windows, whitewashed walls, the new steel exterior joinery: everything became white and light grey.


This is how the old and new details including the charm of the historical, structural elements come to their full expression.

Architects: Poot architectuur
Area : 140 m²
Year : 2019
Photographs :Jef Jacobs
Design Team : Sarah Poot, Lisa Keller
City : Antwerp
Country : Belgium