
The house is located on the outskirts of Asunción, in a closed neighbourhood within a Country Club in the City of Lambaré. At the time of the assignment, the office had a lot of constructive experience in renovating old buildings with a significant degree of deterioration (rehabilitation and recycling), so the professional challenge of this project was: “To design a house from SCRATCH on an empty lot of 16×50 meters, in an ideal context, safe, with a good orientation, with abundant vegetation and plenty of shade”.


The owner requested an individual house, which would stand out among the majestic neighbouring houses, not because of the number of square meters, nor for its flamboyance, but because of its design, without incurring exaggerated work expenses. The logic of the design was: designing an element that is positioned as a single object in the landscape, maintaining justifiable and functional measures, as opposed to some of the oversized houses of the area.

基于方向和挪用Jovái Culata(整个滨海地区传统农村住房的类型)的几乎典型的类型学,两个封闭的街区面对着亲密的区域和服务区,被一个中央街区 “分开/连接”,这是一个社会区域所在的交界空间。在中央交接空间上方,屋顶板被抬高了40厘米,作为一种从侧面捕捉间接顶光的方式。一个与树梢高度相当的大露台覆盖了整个屋顶。阴影被投射到房子的所有侧面(钢筋混凝土凉棚)。

Based on the orientation and appropriating the almost archetypal typology of the Jovái Culata (typology of traditional rural housing throughout the littoral region) two closed blocks are facing the intimate areas and service areas, “separated/joined” by a central block, which is a junction space where the social areas are located. Above the central junction space, the roof slab is elevated with 40 cm as a way to capture indirect overhead light from the sides. A large terrace at the height of the treetops covers the entire roof. Shadows are projected on all sides of the house (reinforced concrete pergolas).

由于我们的办公室并不负责工程的执行,所以我们认为项目的建设和表现是 “怀疑和错误的试验”,采用当地劳动力掌握的传统技术、材料和简单的建筑技术。柱子、梁和裸露的钢筋混凝土板,陶瓷砖(一个面是可见的,一个面是隐蔽的,因为装置被嵌入墙内)。总是试图避免不必要的行动,每个过程本身就是一个完成的过程。建造本质上必要的东西。

As our office wasn’t in charge of the execution of the work, the construction and the representation of the project were thought of as “a trial of doubts and errors”, with traditional technology, materials and simple construction techniques that the local workforce masters: Pillars, beams and slabs of exposed reinforced concrete, ceramic bricks (with one face in sight and one face concealed where the installations are embedded in the walls). Always trying to avoid unnecessary actions, where each process is a finished process in itself. Building what is essentially necessary.

应该指出的是,通过非常精确地跟踪项目,并在我们办公室工作的支持下,建筑公司在建筑师的工作通常不被高度重视和 “不要想,不要问 “的心态下,取得了无可挑剔的结果,无视一切超出常规的东西。窗户的终端、地板、浴室和厨房的涂料都是和业主一起选择的,正是在这里,我们允许自己奢侈地 “消费”。

It should be noted that by following the project very precisely, and with the support of the work of our office, the construction company achieved an impeccable result in a context in which the architect’s work is generally not highly valued and a “don’t think, don’t ask” mentality disregards everything that goes beyond the ordinary. The terminations of windows, floors, coatings of bathrooms and kitchens were selected with the owner, and it was here that we allowed ourselves the luxury of “spending”.

Architects: Grupo Culata Jovái
Area: 300 m²
Year: 2015
Photographys:Federico Cairoli
Construction:OBRA SUR
Structural Calculation:Ing. Genaro Fernández
Project Architects:Sebastián Blanco, Jessica Goldenberg, Miky González Merlo, Emmerick Braun, Sergei Jermolieff