旧约的创世纪从 “起初神创造天地 “这句话开始。

Genesis of the Old Testament begins from the sentence “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

(第一天)神造了光和暗。神又称光为 白天,黑暗他称为黑夜。

And the Creation of seven days is written.
(The first day) God made light and darkness. And God called the light. Day, and the darkness he called Night.
(The second day) God made sky and made the ground and the sea.
(The third day) God produced a plant, a fruit tree, the trees and plants.


(The fourth day) God made the sun, the moon, a star.
(The fifth day) God made all creatures which were in the sea and made all birds with a wing.
(The sixth day) God created all animals which lived in the ground. And God created a person and created it to a man and woman last  
And the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them…

爱之屋是一对夫妇的房子。在一个非常小的场地上,33平方米,正面3.3米/深10米,我规划了一个正面2.7米/深约9米的建筑。我在上面画了一条最大的曲线,有建筑物的宽度和深度,我在曲线上分布了一个屋顶的位置和一个天空的位置,我还在这个曲线上规划了从一楼到二楼的楼梯。这些所创造的建筑的主要空间,它与它的空间 “不在里面,也不在外面”。

Love House is a house for a couple. On a very small site of 33 square meters of frontage 3.3m / 10m deep, I planned a building of frontage 2.7m / about 9m deep. I draw the biggest curve on there with width and depth of a building, I distributed a place of a roof and a place of a sky with the curve、And I planned the stairs which went up from the first floor to the second floor with this curve. The main space of the building which these created, it is it with the space that it “is not indside, and is not the outside”.


Sunlight shows the change from early morning to the evening very clearly to this space. This space without a lighting equipment turns into space where the light of some candles and the darkness of night live together. On a rainy day, a rainy curtain appears along a curve of a roof. When it rains, it is not always the same sound.


Quiet rain, intense rain, rain with wind … rain create various sounds. Light of the sun and moonlight play in the Love House, and rain and wind visit Love House, and birds and insects visit a tree and a fruit tree of Love House.


The situations differ every day. We can know that all nature given on the earth is prepared in very small Love House. A couple chose coexistence with all things to visit Love House and they decided not to put television to enjoy this rich space.

爱心屋并没有将内部和外部分开。我发现了这个新的空间,它 “不在里面,也不在外面”。于是,”爱之屋 “诞生了。

Love House does not separate inside and the outside. I discovered the new space that it “is not inside, and is not outdside”. And Love House was made.

我们的感觉和本能可以继续拥有人类在创造时的感觉。我有一种感觉,”爱之屋 “可以让我们想起它们。

Our sense and instinct may continue still having the thing which the human felt at the time of the Creation. I have a feeling that Love House can remind us of them.

Architects: Takeshi Hosaka Architects
Area: 33 m²
Year: 2005
Photographs: Masao Nishikawa , Koji Fujii / Nacasa&Partners
Structural Engineers:Nobuo Sakane
Interior Design:Takeshi Hosaka, Megumi Hosaka