
The house is for whoever lives it.
Implanted in a rural landscape near José Ignacio, it arises as a solution for alternative housing in a maritime farm.
It is also intended as a possible start of a line of interventions, retreats that are introduced without attacking what exists.

FABRICA DE CASAS回应了客户的需求,即没有建筑工程。选择了在这个地方和景观中的低发生率。

FABRICA DE CASAS responds to the need of the client, of not having construction work. Opting for a low incidence in the place and the landscape.


Located on the edge of the native mount, it is almost an object, a lapacho box that integrates to the landscape.


This wood was chosen to allow it to rust naturally. It is a material that will see time going by without needing maintenance and will be modifying its color and texture, as the native mount.



The house is a retreat for country life, from a comfortable place.
It is related to the outside but it is also a retreat.
It solves a common space of sitting room dining room and kitchen, with two bedrooms and a bathroom.


The spaces through the double orientation respect the tensions between sunlight to the north and the original house to the south. Just as they allow us to be in permanent contact with the landscape.
The challenge was to implant a house that incorporates into the landscape in a subtle way.



Architects: Fábrica de casas
Area: 861 ft²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Marcos Guiponi
Manufacturers: Sherwin-Williams, Bosch & Cia, CJ carpintería, FIVISA, Lyte iluminación, Maguinor Maderas, Mix Seguridad, Pinturas Ulbrika, Sanitaria Maldonado, USG Uruguay, ZUM iluminación
Lead Architects: Celia Bentancur, Fernando Navarro
City:José Ignacio