根据RINO LEVI《建筑与城市》一书,Romano Guerra出版社,第254页:”内省式住宅系列的第四个项目,这个住宅发展了在São José dos Campos的教堂和小教堂中采用的建筑设计方法:一个独特的空间,由两个带有开放花园的侧边条带和一个有遮盖和保护的中央条带建成。中央空间是起居室和餐厅,它通过由凉棚保护的侧面花园延伸。这个独特空间的划分是由房子的结构提供的:后面是卧室;右边是厨房、储藏室和早餐室;左边是带厕所的前庭,通往地下酒窖和一个小房间;前面是服务设施和车库,管家宿舍的情况很特别,是一个白色的体积,升高并遮住了街道。

According to the book RINO LEVI Architecture and City, Romano Guerra publisher, p.254: “Fourth project of the series of introspective houses, this residence develops the architectural design approach adopted in the church and chapel of São José dos Campos: a unique space, built of two side stripes with open gardens and a covered and protected central strip. The central space is the living and dining room, which extends through the side gardens protected by pergolas. The delimitation of this unique space is provided by the structure of the house: in the back, the bedrooms; on the right side, the kitchen, pantry and breakfast room; on the left side, the vestibule with toilet, acess to the underground cellar and a small room; in the front, the services and the garage, with the peculiar situation of the housekeeper dormitories, a white volume, raised and blinded for the street.”

南里奥格兰德联邦大学建筑学院的教授和研究员Ana Elísia da Costa在其博士论文《O Gosto por Sutil. Daniele Calabi和Rino Levi的天井房屋之间的汇合。

For Ana Elísia da Costa, professor and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in her PhD thesis titled O Gosto por Sutil. Confluence between the Patio Houses of Daniele Calabi and Rino Levi:
“The house occupies a narrow and long half-block batch. From the front setback, three volumes are arranged: in the front part of the lot, a small block on slender columns, that shelters the garage and the housekeeper dependencies; to the center, a large rectangular prism, with small lateral setback, that organizes the main structure of the house; and, in the back part of the lot, a shed, which absorbs the geometrical irregularity of the ground and accomodates guest rooms and party room. The resulting volumetry of the set is pure and gains expression through the contraposition between the horizontality of the main prism and the verticality of the volume on slender columns.

主棱镜被一个大的中央庭院撕裂,作为一个构图中心,它组织了房子三面的分区–服务区在右边,通过车库有独立的通道;通道和主要的流通在左边;私人区在地段的后面,确保卧室的隐私和有利的太阳方向(西北)。在这种类型的方案中,对中央空隙的外围占用是经典的,但社会部门的过道的布置却突破了这一限制,它以一种不寻常的方式 “侵入 “了大天井。

The main prism is torn by a large central courtyard, which, as a compositional center, organizes the zoning of the house on three sides – service sector in the right side, with independent access through the garage; access and main circulation in the left side; private sector at the back of the lot, ensuring privacy to the bedrooms and favorable solar orientation (northwest). The peripheral occupation of the volume stem from the central void, as is classic in this typological scheme, is transgressed with the disposition of the aisle of the social sector, which in an unusual way “invades” the great patio.”

由建筑师Rino Levi和他的团队设计的原始执行项目的大部分内容都在FAU USP图书馆的保护档案中,没有对公众开放。我们可以接触到的材料是市政厅审批项目的一些图纸副本、执行计划和一些细节。

Much of the original executive project, designed by the architect Rino Levi and his team, is in the part of the conservation acquis of the library of FAU USP, without access to the general public. The material available and to which we had access are copies of some drawings of the city hall approval project, executive plans and some details.


Some of these drawings were presented of great importance for understanding the construction and above all, the spirit and architectural design approach of the residence.

一般来说,花园和景观与建筑本身一样重要,在这种占用和空旷区域,或建筑和花园的节奏中设置。在对图纸的研究中,我们发现了花园的原始图纸。下面我们复制了在FAU USP的藏品中发现的带有景观设计和这些空隙的建设的计划。
景观设计师Klara Kaiser和Koiti Mori受雇于Roberto Burle Marx的办公室,他们对图纸的作者进行了调查。以下是景观设计师对该住宅花园的看法。”专业的激烈互动的知识和Rino Levi和Burle Marx之间合作进行的广泛的工作的见证,使得花园是来自景观设计师和艺术家的假设是合理的。而事实上,有一些具体的迹象对他们有利,如花园中存在一些多年生和/或较大的植物品种,伯乐-马克思欣赏并在类似的背景下使用:有一些分组或协会熟悉他们的语言。

The gardens and landscaping, in general, are just as important as the construction itself, setting in this rhythm of the occupied and empty areas, or building and gardens. In the research of the drawings, original drawings of the gardens were found. Below we copy the plan with the landscaping design and the construction of these voids, found in the collections of FAU USP.
For the intervention the landscape designers Klara Kaiser and Koiti Mori who worked in the office of Roberto Burle Marx were hired, they were who made the investigation of its authorship. Here is the opinion of the landscapers about the gardens of the residence: “The knowledge of professional intense interaction and the testimony of a wide range of works carried out in partnership between Rino Levi and Burle Marx makes plausible the assumption that the garden is from the landscaper and artist. And there are, in fact, some concrete indications in their favor, such as the presence of some perennial and / or larger species of plants in the gardens that Burle Marx appreciated and used in similar contexts: there are some groupings or associations familiar to their language.


However, the plan found in the collections does not appear to be from the artist’s office. Testify against it, first of all, the formal solutions of some areas, the organization of the plants list, the forms of identification of the species, and even the spelling of several species.

面对所发现的问题,我们的初步理解是,在不影响对花园原始项目作者的进一步研究的情况下,任务是理解新的建筑方案,基本上是基于Rino Levi的自我项目所产生的指导方针。从本质上讲,使该项目强调,作为建筑设计方法的基本特征,建筑空间和花园区域之间的交替,同时创造一个用途分区,一个独特的空间理解节奏,最后但并非最不重要的是,为每个使用场所创造特定的环境。”

In face of what was found, our preliminary understanding is that without prejudice to furthers research about the authorship original project of the garden, the task is to understand the new building program, based essentially on the guidelines emanating from the Rino Levi’s self Project. In essence, make the project emphasize, as the essential feature of the architectural design approach, the alternation between the built spaces and the garden areas, creating at the same time a zoning of uses, a peculiar rhythm of apprehension of space and last but not least, the creation of specific environments for each place of use.”

Architects: Piratininga Arquitetos Associados
Area: 483 m²
Year: 2016
Photographs: André Scarpa, Romulo Fialdini
Original Project:Rino Levi, Roberto Cerqueira Cesar e Luiz R. Carvalho Franco
Partners:José Armênio de Brito Cruz, João Paulo Beugger, Marcos Aldrighi, Renata Semin
Architects In Charge:Bruno Rossi e Marcelo Dionisio
Landscaper:Klara Kaiser e Koiti Mori
Landscaping:André Paoliello
Lighting Consultancy:Ricardo Heder
Historical Heritage Consultant:Silvio Oksman
Author:José Armênio de Brito Cruz
City:São Paulo