摇篮曲工厂 “是由Studio Weave设计的,它使一个糟糕的情况变得最好:大奥蒙德街儿童医院最近设计的建筑,即摩根斯坦利临床大楼,被设计为面向一个开放空间–由于医院的分期开发,这个视野将在15年内被南木大厦阻挡。

在这段时间里,必须对南木大厦狭窄的小巷和工业化的外墙的视野做些什么。Studio Weave将这座被管道覆盖的建筑重新想象成一个幻想中的工厂,为住在医院的儿童制造摇篮曲。

The Lullaby Factory is an intervention by Studio Weave which makes the best of a bad situation: a recently designed building at Great Ormond Street Childrens’ Hospital, the Morgan Stanley Clinical Building, was designed to look onto an open space – a view which, thanks to the hospital’s phasing of developments, will be obstructed by the Southwood Building for another 15 years.

In the intervening time, something had to be done about the view onto the narrow alleyway and industrial facade of the Southwood Building. Studio Weave re-imagined the building, covered in pipework, as a fantastical factory, manufacturing lullabies for the children staying in the hospital.

由于其隐藏的位置,摇篮曲工厂只能从医院内部看到。Studio Weave把它想象成一个秘密世界,只有医院里的人才知道,而且只有通过调谐到一个特定的无线电频率,或站在少数几个特殊的听筒下面,才能进入。

Thanks to its hidden location, Lullaby Factory can only be seen from inside the hospital. Studio Weave imagined it as a secret world, only known to those in the hospital and only accessible by tuning into a specific radio frequency, or by standing beneath one of the handful of special listening tubes.

所创造的幻想景观有10层楼高,32米长,其审美风格依赖于 “对工业的浪漫想象,以及乐器的高度加工的美感和复杂性” – 一种蒸汽朋克与斯特拉迪瓦里的结合,改变了以前没有灵感的空白外墙。

The fantasy landscape created is 10 storeys high and 32 meters in length, its aesthetic style relying on a “romantic vision of industry, and the highly crafted beauty and complexity of musical instruments” – a sort of steam-punk-meets-Stradivarius which transforms a previously uninspired blank facade.

Architects: Studio Weave
Year : 2012
Photographs :Studio Weave