
The Barcelona Club is a unique experience that not only reinvents mobility but also provides a creative and sustainable meeting place. Undoubtedly, the best meeting point for anyone who is willing to explore a new concept of mobility where the experience comes before everything else.

因此,Masquespacio设计了位于Paseo de Gracia的俱乐部,仿佛它是一个乌托邦的世界。西班牙设计工作室通过这种方式,将不同的空间与以创造力著称的巴塞罗那联系起来,并因其是艺术、设计和音乐等艺术学科的中心而闻名于世。

Thus, hereby Masquespacio designed the club situated in Paseo de Gracia as if it were a world of utopias. This way the Spanish design studio searched to connect the different spaces with Barcelona known for its creativity and distinguished all around the world for being a hub of artistic disciplines like art, design, and music.

首先,它的主要目标是尊重空间的内部建筑,它的野蛮风格充满了不完美,与Lynk & Co其他俱乐部的风格形成了完美的连接点。之后又增加了不同的空间,每个空间都代表了自己的用途,其灵感来自与建筑、电影和音乐等创意相关的主题。

First, it has been the main goal to respect the interior architecture of the space with its brutalist-style full of imperfections that create the perfect connection point with the style applied in other Lynk & Co clubs. To these afterward different spaces have been added, each representing its own use, inspired by a theme related to creativity like architecture, movies, and music amongst others.

就像这样,在入口处,你可以看到一个巨大的城堡,它的颜色是反射的绿色,包含了试衣间,其扭曲的效果清楚地表明,在巴塞罗那的新Lynk & Co,没有什么是传统的。从侧面看,汽车位于一个由3D制成的鲸鱼形状,而在浴室里,你会发现一个灯光和声音的表演,会让你想起你最喜欢的童年电影。

Just like that, immediately at the entrance, you can see a giant castle with a reflecting green color that contains the fitting rooms with a distorted effect that shows clearly that in the new Lynk & Co in Barcelona, nothing is traditional. The car from its sides is situated in a whale form made of 3D, while in the bathrooms you find a show of lights and sounds that will remind you of your favorite childhood movie.

在上面的空间,你可以找到Lynk & Co选择的可持续物品的展示区,以及意想不到的联合办公区,如游泳池,它位于以前空间的一个旧保险箱门后面。

In the space above you can find exposition zones with sustainable objects, Lynk & Co selected, together with unexpected areas for co-working like the swimming pool that is behind an old safe door that was in the space before.

Architects: Masquespacio
Area : 4305 ft²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Luis Beltran
Team : Ana Milena Hernández Palacios, Christophe Penasse
Client : Lynk & Co
Program : Showroom
City : Barcelona
Country : Spain