
Magritte’s is situated in the middle of Tokyo, on a tiny 45.61 m2 of plot of land. The width of front road restricted the size of construction machinery. The conditions made it extremely difficult to build the residence. The client was a married couple in their thirties, and their simple request was the use of concrete for every part of the house including floor, wall, tables etc. They didn’t even care for storage space to satisfy this request.

Atelier Tekuto认为创造建筑是与地心引力的斗争。有两种方法可以摆脱地心引力的影响。使用能量来对抗重力,如火箭,或者创造一个包含比空气轻的体积的结构,如氦气球。Atelier Tekuto受到马格利特的超现实主义作品的启发,提出了一个巨大的混凝土块逃离重力的主题。在结构上,Atelier Tekuto选择了带有预应力钢筋的预制混凝土,以分隔底层和地下室的体积。最后,Atelier Tekuto通过重新发现那些曾经理所当然的普通事物,找到了建筑的新元素。

Atelier Tekuto believe creating architecture is a fight against gravity. There are two ways to escape from the gravity: Use energy to push against gravity like a rocket, or create a structure that contains a volume lighter than air such as a helium balloon. Atelier Tekuto was inspired by Magritte’s work on surrealism and proposed the motif of a massive concrete block escaping from the gravity. For the structure, Atelier Tekuto chose precast concrete with pre-stressed steel bar, to separate the volume between ground floor and basement. Finally Atelier Tekuto found a new element of architecture by rediscovering the common things that were once for granted.

Architects: Atelier Tekuto
Photographs :Makoto Yoshida