纽约艺术家亚历克斯•轮盘特(Alex Roulette)在《记忆横移》(Memory Moving Sideways)中采用的超现实主义手法被他所描绘的场景所否定。他的超现实主义画面运用了记忆的概念,承认当我们不由自主地回忆过去的时刻时,我们的大脑在玩一些把戏。
在他的作品中,亚历克斯解释道,“每天的遭遇都会让人不由自主地回想起过去。我从这些对地方和经历的非自愿记忆中汲取灵感,尽管我怀疑我的记忆的可靠性。“这种有时不可靠的历史复述形成了‘记忆横移’的概念基础。他解释道:“随着时间的推移,这些事件会变得扭曲,更多地与感知有关,而与现实无关。”这种扭曲正是他在这些画作中所要表现的。“当我作画时,我使用了媒介允许的自由来打乱物体和人物的位置,回忆起模糊的记忆状态,在这种状态下,某些细节进入适当的位置,而其他细节则逐渐消失。” Roulette将现实与想象结合在一起,创作出了反映日常生活的陌生感和记忆与遗忘的斗争的作品。

The hyperrealism employed by New York-based artist Alex Roulette in ‘Memory Moving Sideways’ is negated by the scenes he depicts. Playing with the idea of memory, his surreal tableaus acknowledge the tricks our mind plays when we involuntarily recall moments from our past.
Of his work, Alex explains, “Everyday encounters evoke recollections of the past without conscious effort. I draw from these involuntary memories of places and experiences, although I question the reliability of my memory.” This sometimes unreliable retelling of history forms the conceptual basis for ‘Memory Moving Sideways’. “As more time passes, the events get distorted and become more about perception and less about reality”, he explains. This distortion is what he seeks to illustrate in these paintings. “When I am painting I use the liberties the medium allows to dislocate objects and figures, recalling the hazy state of memories in which certain details fall into place while others fade away.” Roulette mixes reality with the imagined, creating works that speak to the strangeness of everyday life and the struggle of memory against forgetting.

Author: © Alex Roulette
Project: Memory Moving Sideways
Photography: Alex Roulette
