11-21 Canal Reach,是King’s Cross Estate最大的办公楼,可容纳4000名Meta员工。Meta公司的到来是一个重要的里程碑,是该公司在国王十字区扩大业务的开始。11-21 Canal Reach拥有425,000平方英尺的甲级办公空间,是该地产中每平方英尺含碳量最低的建筑之一。

11-21 Canal Reach, is the King’s Cross Estate’s largest office building with a capacity for 4,000 Meta employees. The arrival of Meta represents a major milestone and is the start of an expanding presence for the company at King’s Cross. With 425,000 sq ft of grade-A office space, 11-21 Canal Reach is one of the lowest embodied carbon buildings on the estate per sq ft.

这两座建筑由建筑师Bennetts Associates设计,拥有42,000平方英尺的屋顶景观花园和露台,可以不间断地欣赏到伦敦市中心的景色,促进员工的健康和当地的生物多样性。Canal Reach项目的其他合作伙伴包括BAM Construct UK和Ramboll。

Designed by architects Bennetts Associates, the two buildings feature 42,000 sq ft of landscaped roof gardens and terraces with uninterrupted views over central London, promoting employee wellbeing as well as local biodiversity. Other partners on the Canal Reach project included BAM Construct UK and Ramboll.

该项目被分为四个大的方面,顺着场地的曲线。它在很大程度上受到其西部边界上广泛的铁路发展的工业遗产的影响。该建筑独特的立面有两层:古铜色阳极氧化铝板的包层位于古铜色阳极氧化铝百叶窗的后面,这些百叶窗是穿孔的。它们共同反映了建筑的规模,并在远景和近景中强调了Canal Reach的弧形视角。

The development is divided into four large facets that follow the curve of the site. It is heavily influenced by the industrial heritage of the extensive railway development on its western boundary. The building’s distinctive façade features two layers: a cladding of bronzed anodized aluminum panels sits behind bronze anodized aluminum louvers that are perforated. Together, they reflect the building’s scale and emphasize the curved perspectives along Canal Reach in both distant and near views.

减少 “第一寿命 “的材料和减少前期和体现的碳是该建筑开始时的优先事项。建筑物的外墙是由回收的铝制成的,建筑中很高比例的混凝土用GGBS(磨碎的高炉矿渣)代替了水泥,GGBS是钢铁工业的一种废品。通过有效的设计,节省了10564吨二氧化碳。内部分为两座相连的建筑,每座建筑都有一个中庭和一个独立的电梯库。

Reducing ‘first life’ materials and reducing upfront and embodied carbon was a priority from the building’s inception. The façade is created from recycled aluminum and a high proportion of concrete in the building replaces cement with GGBS (ground granulated blast-furnace slag) which is a waste product from the steel industry. Through efficient design, 10,564 tonnes of CO2 have been saved. The interior divides into two connected buildings, each with an atrium and a separate bank of lifts.


Topped at 10 and 12 stories, there is a horizontal plateau at the eighth level marking an important transition from a uniform profile to an expansive 4,000m² rooftop garden. The landscaped roof gardens and terraces offer a biodiverse space to enhance the well-being of employees and uninterrupted views over central London. Wellbeing is promoted with the offering of 730 cycle spaces for the use of office workers. This is more cycle spaces than nearly any other building in London.

Gehry Partners和tp bennett负责装修设计。这些建筑的目标是达到英国建筑性能评估体系(BREEAM)的 “杰出 “等级;它们是很好的伙伴,因为国王十字区目前拥有英国所有BREEAM杰出商业建筑的25%。

Gehry Partners and tp bennett were responsible for the fit-out design. The buildings are on target to achieve a BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ rating; they are in good company as King’s Cross is currently home to 25% of all BREEAM Outstanding commercial buildings in the UK.

Architects: Bennetts Associates
Area : 48973 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :META, Hufton + Crow
Structural Engineer : Ramboll and Bam
M&E Consultant : Cundall
Quantity Surveyor : Gardiner & Theobald
Sustainability : Sturgis Carbon Profiling
Interior Fit Out : Gehry Partners, tp bennett
Developer : Argent LLP
Country : United Kingdom