
Perched on the edge of Britain, Midden Studio is a surreal atavistic building that reveals its secrets slowly. The spiky zinc-clad artist’s studio nestles by a stream on the west coast of Scotland. The building sits on top of a Victorian midden wall (formerly the depository for dung from the nearby stables).


The artist has a long connection to the site and much of her practice is associated with peoples’ relation to places, so the architects have enmeshed the studio with the landscape. The artist’s work often includes themes of tracking changes, focusing on art which leaves marks at once permanent and delicate.

新的工作室同时回顾了附近的乡土农业建筑、点缀景观的花岗岩岩石和 “苏格兰男爵 “风格的繁荣,打算默默地沉浸在这个古老的景观中,只有在仔细观察时才会发现其超现实的细节:显然漂浮在烧伤上的悬臂、不可思议的双檐和呼应的石模。

Recalling simultaneously the vernacular agricultural buildings nearby, the granite rocks that punctuate the landscape, and the flourish of the ‘Scottish Baronial’ style, the new studio intends to silently immerse itself in this ancient landscape, only revealing its surreal details on closer inspection: the cantilever which apparently floats over the burn, the uncanny twin gables and the echoed stone mouldings.

Midden Studio是本地花岗岩和当地建筑的爱子。一半是带有模子和屋檐的奇特生物;一半是坚硬的、有雀斑的和基本的。工作室周围的花岗岩岩石在锈蚀的锌中得到了呼应,这反映了埃迪-布雷克对材料的转化的持续关注。

Midden Studio is the lovechild of native granite and the local buildings. Half a fancy creature with mouldings and gables; half hard, freckled and elemental. The granite rock surrounding the studio is echoed in the rusticated zinc, which reflects Eddie Blake’s ongoing preoccupation with the transmutation of materials.

工作室坐落在Allt ant-Sionnaich旁边,这是一个快速流动的燃烧。一个 “窗台灯 “使艺术家可以通过工作面俯视下面的流水,建筑里一年四季都充满了水声,来自大西洋的波浪、燃烧、雨水和细雨。锈迹斑斑的钻石包层图案源自费拉拉的迪亚曼蒂宫或那不勒斯的Chiesa del Gesu Nuova,但就像中洛锡安的Crichton城堡一样,它是南方同类建筑的一个沉闷版本。布莱克对建筑如何成为文化意义的容器感兴趣,这种模式唤起了大陆对苏格兰建筑影响的历史。在结构上,该工作室被设计成能够承受该地的极端条件,原始的锌会有尊严地老化,随着时间的推移,会与景观很好地协调。室内尽可能的温暖和干净,以方便艺术家的工作。

The studio sits next to Allt ant-Sionnaich, a fast flowing burn. A ‘soffit light’ allows the artist to peer down through the work surface at the flowing water beneath, and the building is filled with the sound of water all year round, from the Atlantic waves, the burn, the rain, and the drizzle. The rusticated diamond cladding pattern derives from Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, or Chiesa del Gesu Nuova, Naples, but as at Crichton Castle in Midlothian, it is a dour version of its southern counterparts. Blake is interested in how buildings become vessels for cultural meaning and this pattern evokes the history of a continental influence on Scottish architecture. Structurally the studio has been designed to withstand the extreme conditions of the site, and the raw zinc will age with dignity, becoming well-tuned with the landscape over time. The interior is as warm and clean as possible to facilitate the artist’s work.

Architects: Studio Weave
Year : 2015
Photographs :Johnny Barrington
Manufacturers : VMZINC
Zinc Contractor : HL Metals
Structural Engineer : Webb Yates Engineers
Main Contractor : Neil Weir
Zinc Fabricator : VMZinc 2015
Project Lead : Eddie Blake
Country : United Kingdom