我们在伊豆半岛的悬崖上设计了一个俯瞰相模湾的 “悬空 “餐厅。日本地形复杂,为了协调地形与建筑的关系,人们发明了各种方法。

We designed a “suspended” restaurant overlooking the Sagami Bay on the cliffs of the Izu Peninsula. Japanese terrain is complex, and various methods have been invented to reconcile terrain with architecture.

“悬空 “是一种使建筑漂浮在陡坡上的建造方法,京都的清水寺就是一个代表性的例子。我们用钢架做了一个透明的 “悬空”,并在上面用柏树搭建了一块高达11.4米的实心板,使屋顶浮起来。

“Suspension” is a method of constructing a building so that it floats on a steep slope, and Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto is a representative example. We made a transparent “suspension” using steel frames, and built a solid board of cypress up to 11.4 meters above it to float the roof.


I was able to float a cloud-like architecture made of cypress on the green of the cliff. Chef Seizo Mikuni’s dishes that make use of Izu’s natural ingredients and the cypress-scented architecture create an exquisite harmony.

摄影作品 :Kawasumi ・ Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
结构:Yasutaka Konishi Architectural Design Office
设计团队:Minoru Yokoo, Akio Saruta, Yi Guo, Ryuta Nomura, Kimio Suzuki
设备:Morimura Sekkei Incorporated
城市 : Itō
Architects: Kengo Kuma and Associates
Area: 200 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Kawasumi ・ Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
Structure: Yasutaka Konishi Architectural Design Office
Design Team:Minoru Yokoo, Akio Saruta, Yi Guo, Ryuta Nomura, Kimio Suzuki
Equipment:Morimura Sekkei Incorporated