位于莫兰大道的前 “巴黎省 “位于巴黎第四区的塞纳河畔。这座建筑原本是城市管理部门的所在地,由建筑师阿尔伯特-拉普拉德(Albert Laprade)在1960年左右完成。现有的建筑群最初由一个16层的塔楼和两个9层的侧翼组成,它们形成了一个面向林荫大道的广场。由于其宏大的规模和严格的、重复的立面网格,该建筑群有一个封闭的、不可接近的外观,这在相当没有生命力的广场上也很明显。

The former ‘Préfecture de Paris’ on Boulevard Morland is situated on the banks of the River Seine in the 4th arrondissement of Paris. The building, which originally housed city administration, was completed around 1960 by the architect Albert Laprade. The existing complex originally comprised a 16-storey tower flanked by two 9-storey wings, which formed a square facing the boulevard. As a consequence of the grand scale and the stringent, repetitive façade grid, the complex had a closed-off and unapproachable appearance, which was also evident in the rather lifeless square.

在 “Réinventer Paris “项目征集的背景下,由建筑师、项目开发商、景观建筑师和艺术家组成的跨学科团队将为23个地点提出新的概念。柏林大卫-奇普菲尔德建筑事务所和法国开发商Emerige赢得了莫兰大道综合体的项目征集。

Within the context of the Call for Projects ‘Réinventer Paris’, new concepts were to be generated for 23 sites by interdisciplinary teams, comprising architects, project developers, landscape architects, and artists. The team David Chipperfield Architects Berlin and the French developer Emerige won the Call for Projects for the complex on Boulevard Morland.

新的 “Morland Mixité Capitale “是对现有建筑进行翻修、改造和扩建的结果。以前内向的建筑群被改造成可供公众使用,将其转变为一个具有校园特色的生动和开放的场所,并对整个社区产生了积极的影响。

The new ‘Morland Mixité Capitale’ is the result of the refurbishment, remodelling and extension of the existing buildings. The previously introverted complex was made accessible to the public, transforming it into a lively and open place with the character of campus and emanating a positive effect on the overall neighborhood.


Two new building volumes facing the boulevard and the River Seine, which mediate between the scale of the existing and neighbouring buildings, contribute to the repair of the city. The volumes are raised above the ground to create a new public axis that provides a passage from the boulevard to the River Seine. Load-bearing, vaulted arcades characterize this passage at ground floor level and act as a counterpart to the stringent column grid of the existing ensemble. The arcades establish an inviting entrance gesture to the campus, guiding passers-by into the interior of the complex.


Preserving and further developing the existing building not only ensures urban continuity, but also forms an essential component for the sustainability concept. With great respect for the existing fabric, it was repaired instead of being replaced wherever possible. Low energy and resource consumption are ensured, among other things, by an energy cycle based on heat exchange and a closed Phyto-purification system for urban gardening on the roof.

该建筑群容纳了广泛的用途:高档和经济适用房、酒店、青年旅馆、办公室、零售、画廊、食品市场和儿童保育设施。顶层的两层,在原建筑完工后的几年里只对公众开放,现在又重新开放,还给公众使用。这两层楼是由奥拉维尔-埃利亚松(Ólafur Eliasson)和柏林其他空间工作室的塞巴斯蒂安-贝曼(Sebastian Behmann)设计的可居住的艺术装置,以及一个酒吧和餐厅。从这里,居民和游客可以欣赏到法国首都的广阔视野。

The complex accommodates a wide spectrum of usages: upscale and affordable housing, a hotel, a youth hostel, offices, retail, a gallery, a food market and a childcare facility. The two top floors, which were only accessible to the public for a few years following the completion of the original building, are opened up again and given back to the public. These upper storeys house an inhabitable art installation by Ólafur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann from Studio Other Spaces Berlin, a bar and restaurant. From here, inhabitants and visitors can enjoy wide vistas over the French capital.

Architects: CALQ, David Chipperfield Architects
Area : 63500 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Simon Menges