Mr Sun 是一个寿司店,建在圣保罗(巴西)的中心,位于最繁华的地区之一:奥古斯塔大街。

Mr Sun is meant to be a Sushi Bar built in the heart of São Paulo (Brazil), in one of the most metropolitan areas: the rua Augusta.

由于客户流量大而空间小,寿司店的两个主要行动被安排在同一个空间:制作 “寿司 “的行动和吃寿司的行动。食物是由主要人物寿司人准备的,他们在混凝土柜台后面工作和服务,而顾客则坐在柜台的另一边,观察和吃东西。

Due to the big traffic of clients and small space available, the two main actions of the Sushi bar are aligned in the same space: the action of making the ‘sushi’ and the action to eat it. The food is prepared by the main characters the Sushi-Men, working and serving behind the concrete counter while the clients are seated on the other side of it, observing and eating.


The whole space has a reference to itself with the archetypical black metal structure. A sequence of arches enclose the restaurant, giving enough space to all the infrastructure to be organized over it, and leaving only the main actions under them. Food and Japanese snacks are displayed giving color to the counter and the black walls only decorated with sea creatures watercolors.


The restaurant starts with a terrace, and from the outside we only see the people, leaving the black structure to be discovered while entering the space.

Architects: Atelier Branco Arquitetura
Area : 914 ft²
Year : 2017
Photographs :Pedro Kok
Equipe De Projeto : Diego de Andrés García, Olzet Montoro
Systems Engineer : João Claudinei Alves (JCF projetos e construções)
Arquitetos Responsáveis : Matteo Arnone e Pep Pons
City : São Paulo
Country : Brazil