一座独栋别墅,从大河北岸望向圣托蒂尔索市。客户的要求承担了某种野心。不是在程序的扩展方面,而是特别在内部区域的舒适性方面。我记得一些特别的要求:一个室内游泳池;一个用于休息的高架地板,朝向Nª. 阿松桑圣母玛利亚(Senhora da Assunção);最重要的是透明度和光线。

A single-family house looking at the city of Santo Tirso, from the north bank of the River Ave. The clients’ requests assumed a certain ambition. Not in the extension of the program, but particularly in the comfort of the interior areas. I remember some special demands: an indoor pool; an elevated floor intended for resting, turned towards the sanctuary of Nª. Senhora da Assunção; transparency and light above all.

我们得到了一个巨大的海角,面积为13,750平方米,大约是一个长方形的形状。这片古老的农业地产没有任何重要的标志。它几乎是空的,除了在最南边的一群古老而骄傲的橡树和西北角的一个小废墟。 前土地所有者的住宅中的花岗岩块已经稳定下来。我们同意将它们的杂草清除掉,废墟将被保留,就像现在这样,看守着这片土地的新入口。

We were offered a vast promontory of 13,750 m2, approximately in the shape of a rectangle. The old agricultural property was devoid of major marks. It was practically empty, except for a group of old and proud oaks in the extreme south and a small ruin in the northwest corner. The granite blocks in the dwelling of the former landowners were stabilized. We agreed that they would be cleared of weeds and that the ruin would be left, as it is, to watch over the new entrance to the land.


The proposal consists of a site of 882 m2 (terraced areas included). The house stretches longitudinally to the western landscape, with 33 m in front and 28 m deep. The entrance is located on the north side. The ground floor, with 590 m2, is occupied by social, leisure, and service spaces (including parking for 4 cars). The upper floor occupies an area of 212 m2, divided into three rooms exposed to the south and the terrace roof.


A central courtyard was introduced to guide domestic spaces towards light, breeze, and family activity. The patio links the kitchen, laundry, and parking with the common room and corridors, guest room, gym, and pool. Outside, vegetative recovery is foreseen, which will protect the garden and the cultivation space, reproducing the characteristic species of the territory.


From a constructive point of view, the house consists of reinforced concrete slabs and walls, thermally insulated from the outside with rock wool panels finished in lime-reinforced plaster, and plasterboard walls and ceilings from the inside.

Architects: NOARQ
Area : 882 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Duccio Malagamba
Lead Architect : José Carlos Nunes de Oliveira
City : Santo Tirso
Country : Portugal