Boano Prišmontas推出了 “我在花园里的房间”,一种经济实惠的预制家庭办公室。这种低成本的解决方案易于组装,可以在一天内建成。该结构是在伦敦制造的,模块化的设计可以适合任何大小的花园。该项目旨在解决对负担得起的远程工作空间的需求。”花园里的我的房间 “是对未来工作方式的回答,是伦敦花园和庭院空间的一个舒适的预制藏身处,非常适合那些在家工作的人或任何需要口袋空间的人,为他们的需求和舒适度量身定做。Boano Prišmontas几年来一直在研究这个课题,开发了成功的项目,如Minima Moralia(2016年)和The Arches Project(2019年)。

Boano Prišmontas launched “My Room in The Garden”, an affordable prefab home office. The low-cost solution is easy to assemble and it can be built in one day. The structure is made in London and the modular design can fit a garden of any size. The project aims to address the need for affordable and remote working spaces. “My Room in the garden” is an answer to the future way of working, is a cozy prefab hideout for London gardens and courtyard spaces, perfect for those working from home or whoever is in need of pocket space, tailored to their needs and comforts. Boano Prišmontas has been working on this topic for several years, developing successful projects such as Minima Moralia (2016) and The Arches Project (2019).

虽然,最近对在家工作的解决方案的需求变得相当迫切,因为CV-19的流行要求设计师提出新的解决方案,能够将工作空间和家庭生活结合起来。适应与颠覆! 尽管世界上许多国家的封锁已经结束,但仍有大量的人在家里工作,往往没有一个明确的日期,他们的生活将恢复正常。我们相信,常态不再是在那里等着我们,大流行病带来了根本性的变化,不能被否定或忽视。

Although, the need for a work-from-home solution became quite urgent lately when the CV-19 pandemic required designers to come up with new solutions able to combine workspace with domesticity. Adapt & Disrupt! Despite the fact that the lockdown has ended in many countries around the world, an incredibly large number of people are still working from home, often without a clear date in mind when their lives will be returning to normality. We believe normality is no longer there waiting for us, the pandemic brought radical changes that cannot be dismissed or ignored.

如果说在家里工作的人不得不想办法把工作设备整合到他们目前的家庭环境中,那么在另一方面,公司已经开始把租用办公场所视为一种不必要的、可避免的费用。目前的生活/工作平衡已经被永久地打破了,办公室和家庭的设计标准现在都已经过时了,几乎被淘汰了。一个新的生活/工作平衡的愿景 遥远的办公桌和笔记本电脑架已经充斥着我们的客厅,并使任何共享空间饱和。伦敦的房子,其空间标准已被挤压到最低限度,正在挣扎。

If on one side people working from home had to find their ways to integrate work equipment within their current home setting, on the other, companies have started seeing the renting of office space as an unnecessary and avoidable cost. The current live/work balance has been permanently disrupted and both the office and home design standards are now outdated and almost obsolete. A vision for a new live/work balance Distanced desks and laptop stands have populated our living rooms and saturated any shared space. London houses, whose space standards have been squeezed to the minimum, are struggling.

这就是为什么我们相信,让员工不得不进一步牺牲和损害他们的家庭环境是不公平的。解决办法不是在房屋内部,而是在外部。伦敦的房子非常适合在后院花园、庭院、有门的社区、屋顶、共享便利设施空间和袖珍公园中安置家庭办公舱。我的花园里的房间 “的基本模块起价为5千英镑,是为私人业主和公司提供的解决方案,这些公司可以通过购买家庭办公舱来减少他们在伦敦市中心大办公室的租金成本。

That’s why we believe that it is not fair that employees have to sacrifice and compromise their domestic environment any further. The solution is not to be found inside the houses, but outside. London houses are perfect to host home office pods in backyard gardens, courtyards, gated communities, rooftops, shared amenity spaces, and pocket parks. Starting from £5K for the basic module, “My Room in the Garden” is a solution for both private home-owners and for companies that could reduce their rent cost for big offices in central London by purchasing instead home office pods to their employees.

结构和装饰 该项目试图在低成本和舒适的设计之间找到一个平衡。该结构是由数字制作的桦木胶合板模块组成,可以根据每个空间和用户的需要进行定制。从最小的1.8×2.4米开始,价格为5千英镑,家庭办公舱可以无限增长,只需增加更多的模块。所有模块的固定高度为2.5米,这是不需要规划许可的最大高度。

Structure & finishes The project seeks to find a balance between low-cost and cozy design. The structure is made of digitally fabricated birch plywood modules, that can be customized according to each space and user’s need. Starting from a minimum of 1.8×2.4m at £5K, the home office pods can grow infinitely, by just adding more modules. All modules come at a fixed height of 2.5m which is the max height that doesn’t require planning permission.

标准的表面处理包括波纹状的透明聚碳酸酯涂层,保护内部空间不受外界影响,并允许自然光充斥内部空间。墙体模块可以承载不同的饰面,如挂墙、镜子、普通或装饰的木材等。用户可以根据自己的品味和需要来编排内部空间。更高规格的版本包括隔热墙板/屋顶/地板和玻璃门/窗。可持续性 家庭办公舱的每一个部件都具有几何效率,并最大限度地减少任何材料浪费。每个部件的尺寸都是基于人体尺寸和标准材料尺寸。整个项目是在英国设计、制造和预组装的。

The standard finish includes corrugated clear polycarbonate cladding that protects the interior space from the elements and allows for natural light to flood the internal space. The wall modules can host different finishes such as peg wall, mirror, plain or decorated wood, etc. The user can compose the interiors to their taste and need. The higher-spec version includes insulated wall/roof/floor panels and glass door/windows. Sustainability Each component of the home-office pod is geometrically efficient and minimizes any material waste. The dimensioning of each component is based on human dimensions and standard material dimensions. The whole project is designed, manufactured, and pre-assembled in the UK.

Architects: Boano Prišmontas
Area : 4 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Dylan Drake
Manufacturers : Boano Prismontas, Can of Gas, DHH Timber, Natura Studios, Trimble, Vectric
Collaborators : Jonathan Cardy, Liz Parr, Alicia Arguelles Garcia
Illustrations : Raphaelle Macaron
Manufacturing & Installation : Boano Prišmontas, Boano Prišmontas
City : London
Country : United Kingdom