位于巴西巴伊亚州的卡拉伊瓦村是一个超前的地方,尽管保持着渔村的特点,这里没有汽车,没有公共照明,其街道保留着卡拉伊瓦河三角洲和Pataxó村之间的沙地的魔力。受到这种神奇景色的启发,并思考如何和在哪里找到慢节奏的生活质量,Lua Nova房子就这样诞生了,位于这个被河水和海水沐浴的半岛上。如果说以前是Empty Luxury让人眼前一亮,那么今天我们需要重塑自己,以满足日益谨慎、沉思和自觉的需求,在大自然的完美简洁中寻求奢华。

The Village of Caraíva, located in the state of Bahia, Brazil, is a place ahead of its time, despite maintaining the characteristics of a fishing village where there are no cars, no public lighting and its streets preserve the magic of the sand between the delta of the Caraíva river and the Pataxó village. Inspired by this magical scenery and reflecting on how and where to find quality of life in a slower pace, the Lua Nova house was created, located on this peninsula bathed by the waters of the river and the sea. If before it was Empty Luxury that sparkled the eyes, today we need to reinvent ourselves to meet an increasingly discreet, contemplative and conscious demand seeking luxury in the perfect simplicity of Nature.



Accordingly, we use deconstructive concepts and elements that reinforce this philosophy:

Banana tree circle trench for greywater treatment, an example of social technology for rural sanitation, preserving the integrity of the groundwater;
Skylight for natural lighting;
Solar plates for water heating;
Deck in reused demolition wood, the crosspieces used in train rails gain a new use;
Many doors and windows with shutters contemplate the project thus providing a cross ventilation which keeps the house always ventilated and cool even in the hottest days in Bahia. This model of shutter frames gives us the possibility to have a curtain to control the light entering the rooms.

拯救巴西建筑材料和建筑方法的起源是一条漫长的道路,在Casa Lua Nova,我们保留了环绕和拥抱房子的百年腰果树,给它以适当的阴凉和光亮,我们在露天浴场使用土坯墙,潜入我们的本土根源,房子的所有屋顶是由taubilha(木瓦屋顶)制成的,这也使环境的热和声舒适度有了很大的区别。

It is a long way to rescue the origins of materials and construction methods of Brazilian architecture, at Casa Lua Nova we preserved the centennial cashew tree that surrounds and embraces the house, giving it shade and light in the right measure, we used adobe walls in the open bath, diving into our indigenous roots, and all the roof of the house is made of taubilha (roof with wooden tiles), which also makes all the difference in the thermal and acoustic comfort of the environment.


The almost wall-less house has a double height ceiling with the mezzanine providing spaciousness. In the decoration, the Bahian style cannot be mistaken. The project is focused on using local materials, resignifying objects and escaping from the blue and white cliché, so we applied our own dendê, the traditional Bahian palm oil. Local artists reinforce and dignify this identity. Always using and working with local suppliers, training the eye and living Bahia!

Architects: Vivian Hunnicutt arquitetas e associadas
Area : 90 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Oka fotografia
Manufacturers : Casarão Pedro Baiano, Cerâmica Trancoso, Dalle Piage, Deca, Marcenaria Arraial, Neinaldo e Josenaldo Pereira de Oliveira, Palimanan, Piaçava Trancoso, Seu Tião, Suvinil, Via Sol
Lead Architect : Vivian Hunnicutt
Collaborator Architect : Clarice Lacerda
Presentation Design : Pedro Quintanilha
Execution : Matos Soluções
Quantitatives And Budgets : Clarice Lacerda
Ecological Trench : Matos Soluções
Carpentry Installations Clay Painting And Fine Finishes : Rafael Duboux Fave
Country : Brazil