1. 关于项目的灵感和主要概念
简而言之,这个概念不仅是关于 “吃”,更是关于 “吃得开心”。
感知食物味道的仅仅是我们的 “味觉 “吗?
当我们品尝美食时,往往会认为在五感中只有 “味觉 “能感知食物的味道,但事实上并非如此。
例如,我们看到摆放精美的食物时会觉得食欲大增,咀嚼时会享受清脆的声音,在炎热的天气里喝到冰镇果汁时会觉得 “好喝”……。
我们希望为 “NIQ TERRACE “的存在创造意义,以此帮助人们过上更充实的饮食生活。

1. About the inspiration of the project and the key concept
The design concept is “to … while eating”.
In short, the concept is not only about eating, but also about “having fun while eating”.
Is it just our “sense of taste” that perceives the taste of food?
When we taste a meal, we tend to think that we use only our “sense of taste” among the five senses, but this is actually not quite true.
For example, we may find the sight of beautifully arranged food stimulating our appetite, enjoy the crunching sound of chewing, or feel “delicious” when we drink a cold juice in hot weather…
It is thought that various factors, such as sight, hearing, or even the atmosphere and the temperature of the food, are involved in the enjoyment of a meal.
Daily meals are not only nourishing our bodies, but also our minds.
If we pay attention to the utensils and even how comfortable the room is, mealtime will become much more enjoyable.
We would like to create meaning to the existence of “NIQ TERRACE” as part of our efforts to help people live a more fulfilling eating lifestyle.
“Let’s enjoy our meals” .

2. 关于我们面临的困难和最初的一些挫折
我相信,”通过设计向大家传达我的想法 “这一愿望让我在不断尝试中找到了最佳的表达方式。

2. About the difficulties we faced and some initial setbacks
With a very low budget, how could we make it interesting?
I thought I would try to do it through the ways of expression.
There are various ways to express oneself, such as through writing, pictures, voice, facial expressions, and actions.
In other words, I focused on devising ways to convey my feelings and thoughts to others that are easy to understand.
The same feeling, emotion, or thought can give a very different impression to others depending on the slightest nuance or any combination of nuances.
In addition, changes in people’s facial expressions and emotions can be affected by trivial events in their daily lives.
Therefore, I thought that being able to perceive things from a different perspective from others would create a great feature.
I believe that my desire to “convey my thoughts to everyone through design” allowed me to find the best way of expression through trial and error.

3. 关于项目中使用的施工技术和主要材料
外墙;更换 LOGO

3. Regarding the construction techniques and main materials used in the project
Floor; Tile, stone, natural wood, wooden flooring
Wall; Mortar paint, natural wood, plaster
Ceiling; Paint
Facade; LOGO replacement
Furniture; Solid wood, Steel

4. 空间构成和主要原因
近年来,由于生活方式的多样化,一家人 “聚在一起 “吃饭的机会越来越少,饮食习惯也越来越多样化。
独自进餐的 “独食者 “或即使同桌吃饭也分食的 “分食者 “越来越多,共同进餐的情况越来越少。
例如,它可以成为 “交流”、”愉快进餐 “和 “学习礼仪 “的场所。
但最重要的是,我认为这是一个 “玩得开心、吃得美味 “的地方。
在当今社会,有效利用 “吃 “的资源至关重要。
在设计构思阶段,我们考虑了 3R 要素,其中最优先考虑的是 3R 要素本身,将其转化为一个概念。

4. Space composition and main reasons
Enjoyable meals improve quality of life.
“It’s important to eat with someone!”.
Why do people feel the need to eat?
One reason is that eating stimulates all five of our senses (taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing).
I think it would be exciting to have all five senses stimulated in this way.
In recent years, due to the diversification of lifestyles, there are fewer opportunities for families to “gather” together for meals, and eating habits have become more diverse.
The number of “lone eater” who eat alone or “separate eater” who eat separate foods even when gathered at the same table is increasing, and sharing meals together is becoming less common.
However, we believe that eating a meal together has many advantages over eating alone.
For instance, it can be a place for “communication”, “enjoyable eating” and also “a place to learn good manners”.
But most of all, I think it is a place “to have fun and to enjoy delicious food”.
We would be happy if we could increase opportunities to talk about such things, have fun while playing, and eat together, thereby making it a happy place!
Efficient use of resources for “eating” is essential in today’s society.
The 3Rs were considered in the design conception phase, with the highest priority given to the 3Rs themselves as a means to convert them into a concept.
We expect that this concept will be completed in the future when this store is renovated or when materials that have aged over time are reused in other stores.

Architects: T4 designArea: 346 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs: Trieu Chien
Lead Architects: MAMORU MAEDA(前田 護)
City: 44 Đ. Tây Hồ, Quảng An, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Country: Vietnam