直到最近,曼谷的咖啡文化一直涉及到在一个空间中度过的想法,这对泰国人认为的咖啡馆有明确的定义。位于Soi Ari的9号咖啡,由于其有限的空间,需要与这种趋势背道而驰,并寻找海外的线索,在那里,人们更关注饮料,而不是花费时间。

Coffee culture in Bangkok has until recently involved the idea of spending time in a space which has a clear definition of what Thai people believe a café to be. Coffee No. 9 in Soi Ari, with its limited space, needed to go against this trend and looked for cues overseas where the focus was more on the drink and less about the time spent.


Limitations of any kind require creativity in design. In this case, the interior space is 80% taken up with the coffee preparation area leaving only 20% for seating. Fortunately, the small coffee bar has an external space by the street, which the landlord allowed the owners to use, providing the space could be used by other customers of the restaurants in the precinct, of which Coffee No 9 belonged. The landlords also required the space to be available to pedestrians passing by, as a way of giving back to the street.

在室内,通过使用长椅和倒置的U形不锈钢桌子来节省空间,这些桌子可以重新排列并锁定在长椅的凹槽中,从而创造灵活的座位模式。这些桌子既可以在人与人之间共享,也可以用来分隔小团体。对于外部空间,顾客可以利用这些座位来等待他们的外卖订单,或者留下来喝酒。街道家具使用混凝土、钢和纤维水泥作为座位或作为桌子。也可以选择站在有11个迷你大理石内置架子的墙边。总的来说,外部空间的想法是成为一个购买咖啡的 “快速停靠点”。

For the interior, space is saved by using a bench seat with upside down U-shaped stainless steel tables that can be rearranged and locked into grooves in the bench thereby creating flexible seating patterns. The tables can either be shared when between people, or used to separate small groups. For the external space, customers can use the seating to wait for their takeaway order or stay to drink. Street furniture uses concrete, steel and fiber cement for seating or as tables. There is also the option of standing next to the wall with eleven mini marble built-in shelves. Altogether the idea for the exterior space was to be a “fast-stop point” for coffee purchases.

一个设计有趣的大木头 “门 “被用来在街上创造视觉冲击,并清楚地表明咖啡馆是开放还是关闭。在关闭的位置,大门关闭了订购窗口,同时允许上面的遮阳篷通过它,并在关闭时间内确保咖啡馆的安全。当打开时,大门上的切口允许货架穿过它,因此它可以紧紧地贴在墙上。

A playfully-designed large timber “gate” is used to create visual impact on the street, and clearly indicate whether the café is open or closed. In the closed position, the gate shuts the ordering window, while allowing the awning above to pass through it, and secures the café during closing hours. When opened, cut-outs in the gate allow the shelves to pass through it, so it fits snugly against the wall.

Architects: PHTAA Living Design
Area: 35 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Jinnawat B.
Architect In Charge:PHTAA Living Design