墙 – 墙是意味着复杂叙述的符号。基本上,它作为空间的划分和体积的可视化,但有时它欢迎游客,引导他们到他们的目的地,暗示未知的背景,并拼命干预和回应他们的环境

Walls – Walls are symbols that imply complex narratives. Basically, it serves as a space division and visualization of the volume, but sometimes it welcomes visitors, guides them to their destinations, hints at unknown backgrounds, and desperately intervenes in and responds to their environment


The space consisted of four walls of extreme form. A translucent glass wall vaguely separates the inside and outside, two black walls that equally divide the inside, and a concrete wall that covers a functional space. Out of the abstraction and concept of drawings, the four walls constructed in the field are dismantled from the designer’s message or intention and gain arbitrariness as pure actors in the world of uncertainty and coincidence. The four REAL walls will be organically related to the outside world, the object of action, and will exist in space as supporting bodies for the stories to be accumulated.

<诺曼纽尔旗舰店>是时尚品牌诺曼纽尔的第一家线下店,位于麻浦区三苏洞。No Manual是一个自2017年以来在首尔的品牌,旨在通过不断探索产生新的成果。他们的要求很简单。”不要从外面看起来像一家服装店”。这是一个有点不寻常的关键词,但它足以吸引设计师的注意。

is the first offline store of the fashion brand Nomanual located in Sangsu-dong, Mapo-gu. No Manual is a brand based in Seoul since 2017 and aims to produce new results through constant exploration. Their demands were simple. “Don’t look like a clothing store from the outside.” It was a somewhat unusual keyword, but it was enough to attract the attention of designers.

经过缎面处理的白色玻璃外墙内外模糊不清,粗糙的混凝土墙隐藏了后面的空间,仿佛从子宫开始就在那里了。分隔中心的两面弧形墙起到了明确划分展示区的作用。这是为区分和强调内部空间而存在的,就像句子中的( )的概念。这两面弧形墙是由表面经过反射处理的黑色不锈钢建造的,它使墙的体积非物质化,破坏了视觉感知。我们试图在这些组件在纯矩形空间中相互对应并与外界发生反应的过程中,提出一系列新的消费体验。

The satin-treated white glass facade was blurred inside and outside, and the rough-concrete wall hid the space behind it as if it had been there since the beginning of the womb. The two curved walls dividing the center serve to clearly partition the display area. This exists to distinguish and emphasize the internal space, just like the concept of ( ) in the sentence. The two curved walls were constructed of reflective surface-treated black stainless steel, which dematerializes the volume of the wall and destroys visual perception. We tried to propose a series of new consumption experiences in the process of these components corresponding to each other in a pure rectangular space and reacting with the outside world.


The short sides on both sides are finished with mirrors, but in addition to the functional role essential for the characteristics of the fashion store, the illusion is that the four walls expand into rectangles indefinitely.

Architects: HOFFICE
Area : 125 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Ho Han
Project Designers : Ho Han, Seungho Lee
City : Mapo-gu
Country : South Korea