护理实验室是布鲁日Vives North大学大楼的一部分。该建筑于2009年完工,由De Vloed建筑师设计。它由三个附属建筑组成:一个相对封闭的混凝土基座、一个三层建筑和一个浮动屋顶。这座学校建筑的特点是经常使用裸露的混凝土作为承重墙和地板。

Care lab is a part of the university building Vives North in Bruges. The building is completed in 2009 and designed by De Vloed architects. It consists of three annexes: a relatively closed concrete plinth, a three-story building, and a floating roof. Characteristic to this school building is the frequent use of exposed concrete for load-bearing walls and floors.


dmvA was commissioned to transform the existing Care lab, located in the wing next to the service entrance. dmvA based its architectural concept on the contemporary vision of education. In the past, the different educational fields were kept separated and each had its own closed classroom, whereas now the aim is to stimulate cross-pollination between the different fields.

dmvA决定将三个空间切开,在Care lab的中间放置一个教育护理院。通过这个改造,Care lab被转换为一个平滑的空间网络,鼓励不同部门之间的交叉传播。

The building originally existed of three long small spans which limited the flexibility and made the circulation difficult. dmvA decided to cut through the three spaces by placing an educational care home in the middle of Care lab. Through this transformation, Care lab gets converted to a smooth network of spaces that encourages cross-pollination between the different departments.

由于Care lab被不同的部门使用,因此以一种巧妙的、多功能的方式来填充这些空间是很重要的。这样一来,Care lab就成了一个灵活的空间,拥有多学科的教室。Care lab的核心–护理之家,模拟了一个舒适的住宅,但仍然是抽象的。Care home没有使用封闭的墙壁,而是被一个开放的壁橱系统所包围。这样一来,Care lab就变成了开放的、可及的。

Since Care lab is used by different departments, it was important to fill in the spaces in a clever and multifunctional way. In that way, Care lab has become a flexible space with multidisciplinary classrooms. The care home, the heart of Care lab, simulates a cozy residential home but is still abstract. Instead of using closed walls, the care home is surrounded by an open closet system. That way Care lab becomes open and accessible.

护理院周围的木质结构不仅是半开放的墙体,还可以作为储藏或展示空间。Care lab所在的建筑是用混凝土建造的。冷峻简洁的混凝土建筑被保留了下来,但通过松木的使用得到了补充。通过加入这种温暖的材料,营造出一种温馨的氛围,欢迎你进入建筑。

The wooden structure around the care home doesn’t only serve as a half-open wall but can also serve as a storage or exposition space. The building where Care lab is located is built in concrete. The cool and clean concrete architecture was preserved but was complemented by the use of pinewood. By adding this warm material, a homely atmosphere is created, welcoming you when you enter the building.

占地面积:400 m²
摄影:Bart Gosselin
首席建筑师:Tom Verschueren, David Driesen, An-Sofie De Backer
总承包商:B & R (Bouw & Renovatie)
Principal:Vives North, Bruges
城市 : Bruges
Architects: dmvA
Area: 400 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Bart Gosselin
Lead Architects: Tom Verschueren, David Driesen, An-Sofie De Backer
Structural Engineer: ASB
General Contractor: B & R (Bouw & Renovatie)
Principal:Vives North, Bruges