
Concept. Politically, Sennhof belongs to the city of Winterthur, but geographically the suburb is clearly separated from the city area and forms a village exclave in the valley of the Töss. The river not only shapes the topography, it also aligns the elements of the settlement in the direction of flow: Buildings, road, railway line, forest edges. This also applies to the buildings and open spaces of the new Oberzelg settlement, which is squeezed between the cantonal road and the railway line.

对于Esch Sintzel来说,Sennhof的委员会是为数不多的不是关于密集化,而是关于绿地上的新规划。与其说是为了强化现有的场地特征,不如说是为了发展一个新的–郊区–特征。这就是为什么这个项目从公共空间开始构思的原因,也是为什么这些公共空间被特别明确地设计为城市户外空间,作为一系列广场和小巷的互动。广场由通风的凉亭和架空的私人花园构成,以邀请个人占有,并为居住区的共同生活创造一个喜庆的环境。

For Esch Sintzel, the commission in Sennhof is one of the few that is not about densification, but about new planning on a green field site. Instead of sharpening the existing identity of the site, the aim here is to develop a new – suburban – identity. That is why this project is conceived from the public spaces, and why these public spaces are particularly explicitly designed as urban outdoor spaces that interact as a sequence of squares and alleys. The squares are framed by airy loggias and elevated private gardens to invite individual appropriation and create a festive setting for living together in the settlement.
The reference to traditional settlements is continued in the construction – single-stone masonry with scratch plaster.


Colour Concept. The horizontal layering from heavy to light, from strong to diffuse colour emphasises the horizontal, elongated extension of the large housing estate. The colour progression, however, is also intended to quietly hint at the marshy ground in the alluvial plain of the Tösstal: for the colour progression is intended to appear a little as if the houses had drawn water, as if the moisture had risen up the walls. Incidentally, the colour differentiation in the horizontal is repeated in the awning hangings. Each storey has a different colour tone, rising from an earthy basic tone to increasing neutrality.

开发项目的两边是不同的颜色:东侧的房屋采用 “岛苔 “绿色,配以红色的折叠百叶窗,西侧的建筑采用 “印度黄”,配以绿色的折叠百叶窗。颜色的差异化在它们的互动中支持了 “预期占有 “的印象,可以说是一种没有模拟铜锈的年代状态。这些房子应该看起来很现代,同时又好像它们一直都在那里一样。

The two sides of the development are different colours: the houses on the east side are in ‘island moss’ green with red folding shutters, the buildings on the west side are in ‘Indian yellow’ with green folding shutters. The colour differentiations support the impression of ‘anticipated appropriation’ in their interaction, a state of age without simulated patina, so to speak. The houses are supposed to look modern and at the same time as if they had always been there!

建筑师:Sintzel Architekten
面积:27100 m²
摄影:Philip Heckhausen
项目负责人:Arza Hajdarevic
建筑师:Katharina Stepien, Fabiano Andina, Mara Barzaghini, Matthias Berger, Jonas Blum, Jonathan Bopp, Nicolas de Courten, Jillin Ettlin, Nike Himmels, Nadine Jaberg, Christian Ott
施工管理:Caretta Weidmann AG, Zurich
景观建筑:Kuhn Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Zurich
建筑工程:Ernst Basler+Partner AG, Zurich
色彩顾问:Archfarbe, Andrea Burkhard, Zurich
Architects: Sintzel Architekten
Area: 27100 m²
Year: 2018
Photographs: Philip Heckhausen
Project Leader :Arza Hajdarevic
Architects:Katharina Stepien, Fabiano Andina, Mara Barzaghini, Matthias Berger, Jonas Blum, Jonathan Bopp, Nicolas de Courten, Jillin Ettlin, Nike Himmels, Nadine Jaberg, Christian Ott
Construction Management:Caretta Weidmann AG, Zurich
Landscape Architecture:Kuhn Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Zurich
Construction Engineering:Ernst Basler+Partner AG, Zurich
Colour Consultant:Archfarbe, Andrea Burkhard, Zurich