该建筑群的形式与它的特殊用途以及城市环境产生了强烈的互动。暴露在外面的场地,位于 “城堡花园 “的南部,紧挨着池塘,使得建筑的两个体量与围栏结合在一起,很容易被传达出来。同时,从各个方向为路过的人们,特别是宠物园的小游客提供了多种视角。

The ensemble’s formal shape interacts strongly with its particular use as well as with its urban context. The exposed site, which is situated in the southern portion of the “Schlossgarten” and in the immediate vicinity of the pond, allows the two volumes of the buildings in combination with the fence to be conveyed easily. Also multiple views from all directions are offered to people walking by and in especially to the little visitors to the petting zoo.


In this manner, the three elements emerge very much as a whole, yet still appear subdivided and delicate in the natural surroundings. In addition, the lamellar-like facade of the aviary and stable reinforces this vivid effect and lends a second level of complexity and depth to the ensemble. Furthermore, the appealing nature of the buildings is adjusted to the eye level of children and should serve as an inviting place to visit and spend time.

该场地是作为2016年国家园艺展(Landesgartenschau 2016)的一部分开发的,并取代了 “Schlossgarten “内老化的动物围栏。然而,建筑物的建设和定位是特别为国家园艺展之后的时间设计的。在与兽医办公室的协调下,我们非常注意将各种动物(羊驼、卡加鲁斯和纳杜斯)保持在一个尽可能自然的环境中。

The site was developed as part of the 2016 State Horticulture Show (Landesgartenschau 2016) and replaces the aging animal enclosure within the “Schlossgarten”. The construction and orientation of the buildings, however, are particularly designed for the time following the State Horticulture Show. In coordination with the veterinary office, much attention was paid towards keeping the various animals (alpacas, cangarus and nadus) in an environment as natural as possible.

使用落叶松木材是与兽医密切合作的结果之一。此外,这种木材不仅具有抗压性,因此是可持续的,更重要的是,它不需要进行处理。 因此,不存在无意中毒害动物的危险。为了确保动物围栏继续保持其在Schlossgarten的悠久传统,所有的木材连接处都是坚固的,可替换的结构。

The usage of larch wood is one outcome of the close cooperation with the veterinaries. Moreover, the wood is not only resistend and therefore sustainible, but more importantly, it does not need to be treated. As a result, there is no danger of inadvertently poisoning the animals. To ensure that the animal enclosure continues its longstanding tradition in the Schlossgarten, all timber joints are sturdily and replacably constructed.

Architects: Kresings Architektur
Year: 2015
Photographs: Roman Mensing
Landscape Architect: RMP Stephan Lenzen Landschaftsarchitekten
Architect In Charge:Rainer M, Kilian Kresing
Design Team:Kilian Kresing, Raul Zinni-Gerk, Nicolas Oevermann
Building Contractor:Landesgartenschau Öhringen 2016 GmbH