
The many lives of a building. This 1931 building located in the Berliner neighborhood of Neukölln was born as a set of garages to then become an art warehouse and exhibition hall, later a locksmith shop, and finally to fall into disuse until a small group of artists and creatives acquired it in 2018 to convert it into workshops and apartments for their own use.

院子里的院子。围绕着中央天井的U型建筑就像一个 “Dreiseitenhof”(一种传统类型的农村农场),位于一个更大的城市街区内,”就像洋葱的层层叠叠”,正如大卫-拜恩在他的 “自行车日记 “中描述的那样。它的东翼和北翼只有一层,而西翼有两层,因为旧车库的办公室最初位于其上层。

Courtyard inside courtyard. The U-shaped construction around a central patio as if it were a “Dreiseitenhof” (a traditional type of rural farm) is located inside a larger urban block, “as in the layers of an onion” as described by David Byrne in his “Bicycle Diaries”. Its east and north wings have a single floor, while its west wing has two since the offices of the old garages were originally located on its upper floor.

根据日本的古老传统,新的皮肤。除了引入一系列的结构加固措施以保证建筑的稳定性外,原来的砖石外墙已经用20厘米的木纤维板进行了隔热处理,并按照日本传统技术 “寿杉板 “用烧焦的松木模板密封。这种方法在17世纪左右的江户时代出现在日本,包括对木材的外层进行碳化,以提供一种保护性的铜锈,既能抵御天气,又能抵御昆虫。在这个项目中,木板来自波罗的海边的乌瑟敦地区,当地的木匠用当地森林中的松树恢复并重新解释了这一传统。

A new skin according to the old Japanese tradition. Apart from the introduction of a series of structural reinforcements to guarantee the stability of the building, the original masonry façade has been thermally insulated using 20cm wood fiber panels and sealed with a charred pine wood formwork following the traditional Japanese technique called Shou Sugi Ban. This method, which emerged in Japan in the Edo era around the 17th century, consists of carbonizing the outer layer of the wood to provide a protective patina both against weather and insects. In this project, the wooden planks come from the Usedom region by the Baltic Sea where a local carpenter has recovered and reinterpreted that tradition using pine from local forests.


A window is a place. The shape and proportion of the windows have been slightly modified, lowering the height of the parapets and installing generous wooden sills that act as benches and resting places both inside and outside the building.

重新装修。建筑物的屋顶在必要时进行了结构性加固或更换。除此以外,他们还进行了隔热处理,并覆盖了一层植物层。中央天井已经禁止汽车进入,并通过去除以前覆盖的沥青层,用表土和草层取代,使其 “重新成熟”。一棵核桃树被种植在天井的中心,作为整个建筑群的新引力中心。

Renaturation. The roofs of the building have been structurally reinforced or replaced where necessary. Aside from that they have been thermally insulated and covered with a vegetal layer. The central patio has been closed to cars and “renatured” by removing the asphalt layer that covered it previously and replacing it with a layer of topsoil and grass. A walnut tree has been planted in the center of the patio, acting as the new gravitational center of the ensemble.

手术干预。在建筑内部,在 “尽可能小的干预 “的前提下,进行了一系列仔细的外科干预,如新的开口、插入和隔断。这些都是为了使建筑适应其新的用途,使其内部更轻盈、更宽敞,同时展示和庆祝其发现的物质,从而展示其过去的生活。一些砖石墙被喷砂和剥落,以恢复原来的纹理,而在其他需要更多中性气氛的地方,例如绘画,它们被轻轻地涂上半覆盖的釉料,使空间均匀化,同时仍然显示出基础建筑中的物质性。

Surgical interventions. Inside the building, a series of careful surgical interventions such as new openings, insertions, and partitions, have been carried out under the premise of the “smallest possible intervention”. These are aimed to adapt the building to its new use, making its interiors lighter and more spacious while showing and celebrating its found matter and therefore its past lives. Some of the masonry walls have been sandblasted and stripped down, in order to recover the original texture while in other areas that require a more neutral atmosphere, e.g. for painting, they have been gently coated with semi-covering glazes that homogenize the space while still revealing the materiality lying in the foundation building.

Architects: ALAS Alarcon Linde Architects
Area : 690 m²
Year : 2023
Photographs :Ronald Patrick
Manufacturers : KEIM, Hand Holz Werk
Lead Architects : Carlos Alarcón, Axel Linde, Tobias Vogel
Project Architect : Tobias Vogel
Fire Safety Consultant : Jasminka Becker
City : Berlin
Country : Germany