Casa Once的设计是为一对年轻夫妇量身定做的,他们正在寻找一个避难所,使他们远离外界的混乱,创造一个宁静的空间,以促进他们的人类发展。房子位于普埃布拉市的一个独栋建筑群中,那里的房地产行业急剧增长,强加的项目并不总是能满足人们当前和未来的需求。由于这种 “繁荣”,土地价格上涨,所以每次的房产都更小,更独特,从那里我们制定了解决方案,以应对和产生一个良好的项目,考虑到150平方米的土地财产的条件和社区的内部规定。

Casa Once was designed as a tailor-made suit for a young couple who were looking for a refuge that would take them away from the outer chaos and create a space of tranquility to enhance their human development. The house is located in a single family complex in the city of Puebla, where the real estate sector has grown dramatically and imposes projects that do not always meet the current and future needs of people. The price of land has increased as a result of this “boom” so that each time the properties are smaller and more exclusive, from there we set out solutions to respond and generate a good project contemplating the conditions of the 150m2 land property and the internal regulations of the community.

该方案从建筑方案的减法开始,最终创造了一个 “I”,这个方案允许在一年中的不同时期有一个正确的和深思熟虑的自然照明,此外,交叉通风,可以由用户控制。项目中的穿孔导致了天井的出现,使所有的区域都有了空间的流动性,从房子的任何地方都能看到绿色的风景,并引入了惊喜因素。同时,在房产后面的相邻限制也得到了尊重。

The scheme starts with exercises of subtractions from the architectural program, finally creating an “I”, this scheme allows a correct and thought natural lighting at different times of the year, in addition, to cross ventilation, which can be controlled by the user. The perforations in the project result in patios that enables all the areas to have a spatial fluidity, offering green views from any point of the house and introducing the surprise factor. Also, the limits of adjacency in the back of the property are respected.

该项目分3层开发。在一楼,社会区域被分配,向庭院开放,在那里,项目被扩展并通过玻璃屏幕连接。第一层是卧室,可以看到天空和一棵 “金合欢 “树,它给庭院带来了力量,在春天会变成紫色,成为房子里的一个主要地标。最后,在第二层是娱乐区、服务区和屋顶花园,可以看到火山的全景。

The project is developed in 3 levels. On the ground floor, the social areas are distributed, opening onto the courtyards, where the program is extended and joined by means of glass screens. On the first level are the bedrooms, with views of the sky and an “Acacia” tree, which gives strength to the patio and that in spring will change to a purple color, becoming a major landmark inside the house. Finally, on the second level is the entertainment area, services and the roof garden with a panoramic view of the volcanoes.

外立面是对项目的回应,来自于在墙内居住的想法,避免了对街道的开口和不必要的元素,拱顶允许光线反弹到工作室,控制白天的视觉效果和照明。我们通过内部建筑条例产生、定义和解释了材料性,暴露了天然木材和黑色颜料灰泥。在内部,工程地板、家具、木工和木梁为所有空间提供了温暖、气味、声音和纹理。在浴室里,瓦哈卡艺术家弗朗西斯科-托莱多(Francisco Toledo)的瓷砖让我们引入了艺术的一面,并记住另一个城市,作为一个建筑师,它给了我们很多。Casa Once聚集了不同的品质,允许行使理性和客观的建筑,对用户、社会和地方做出反应。

The facade responds to the program and comes from the idea of living the house inside the walls, avoiding openings to the street and unnecessary elements, the vaulting allows a light bounce back to the studio, controlling visuals and lighting during the day. We generated, defined and interpreted the materiality through the internal construction regulations, exposing natural wood and black pigmented stuccos. Inside, the engineering floor, furniture, carpentry and wooden beams provide warmth, smells, sounds, and textures in all spaces. In the bathrooms, the tiles of Oaxacan artist Francisco Toledo allow us to introduce an artistic side and to remember another city that has given us a lot as an architect. Casa Once gathers different qualities that allow an exercise of rational and objective architecture, that responds to a user, a society, and a place.

Architects: Cueto Arquitectura, Espacio 18 Arquitectura
Area : 249 m²
Year : 2018
Photographs :Lorena Darquea
Manufacturers : Cemex, Helvex, Tecnolite, VALVO
Construction : Espacio 18 Arquitectura, Cueto Arquitectura
Interior Design : Termita Home, Decor
Carpentry : Alberto Mares Quezada
Special Facilities : Demetrio, Arturo, Martín Rojas, Vicente Rojas, Genaro Coatl
Architects In Charge : Carla Osorio Jimenez, Mario Alberto Ávila López, Juan Pablo Fernández Cueto
City : Puebla City
Country : Mexico