ONOMICHI U2是将一个旧的海滨仓库改造成日本广岛尾道市的新的互动空间的结果。我们试图通过加强这个城市的魅力来实现繁荣的未来,这个项目的主题是 “循环”。

ONOMICHI U2 is the result of adaptive reuse of an old seaside warehouse into the new interactive space for Onomichi city, Hiroshima, Japan. We sought to achieve the prosperous future by enhancing the charm of this town with the theme of this project “cycle.”

许多游客,特别是骑自行车的人,访问尾道市,他们已经知道尾道市是一个拥有美丽的山丘和 “Machiya”,即古代日本风格房屋的城市。2013年,尾道市接受了我们的建议,利用一个海滨仓库作为该市市民的新互动空间。我们的提案要求将仓库完全改造成一个包括酒店、自行车店、开放区、酒吧、餐厅、面包店、咖啡馆和零售的地方。

Many tourists, cyclists especially, visit Onomichi city, where have come to know it as the town with beautiful hills and “machiya,” or Japanese-style houses of antiquity. In 2013 the city of Onomichi accepted our proposal to utilize a seaside warehouse as a new interactive space for the city’s citizens. Our proposal called for a complete conversion of the warehouse into a place that included hotel, cycle shop, open areas, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and retail.


We incorporated elements into the re-creation of the seaside warehouse that were reminiscent of the character of Onomichi itself. Our building materials–wood, mortar, and steel– recall the old houses of Onomichi and the shipbuilding that’s been such a longstanding tradition there. Such as the lighting that would remind us fish lamps.

我们把这个项目的概念确定为 “循环”。我们把这种现象描述为在一个长期存在的地方发现新事物。这种新意干净利落地表达了这个城市的人们所珍视的长期存在的特征。

We identified the concept for this project as “Cycle.” We describe this phenomenon as the discovery of newness in a place long established. This newness cleanly expresses the long-standing character so cherished by the city’s people.

Architects: Suppose Design Office
Area : 2301 m²
Year : 2014
Photographs :Toshiyuki Yano