停车场主要是一种合理的建筑,目的是让尽可能多的汽车停在尽可能少的空间里:这种建筑往往最终会成为城市的压抑和荒芜的背影。在Østre Havn的新停车场设计中,我们的目标是创造一个简单的外立面,根据太阳和天空的光线而变化。停车场位于Nyhavnsgade和Østre Havngade之间,采用简单的材料建造,与港口的前工业美学保持一致。它的外墙由一系列不同的挤压铝片组成,易于组装,因此也易于拆卸。这确保了在建筑寿命结束时,所有的外墙材料都可以很容易地拆除,铝材也可以回收利用。

A Parking house is primarily a rational construction with the purpose of getting as many cars as possible parked in the least space possible: a construction that often ends up as depressing and deserted backside to the city. With our design for the new parking house in Østre Havn, it has been our aim to create a simple facade that varies according to the light of the sun and sky. Located between Nyhavnsgade and Østre Havngade, the parking house has a robust construction from simple materials, in-keeping with the former industrial aesthetics of its harbor context. Its facades consist of a range of different extruded aluminum lamellas, which are easy to assemble, and therefore also easy to disassemble. This ensures that at the end of the building’s life all of the facade materials can be easily dismantled, and the aluminum can be recycled.


The facades allow for natural light to penetrate into the building and are also ideal for external planting to take hold and grow up the external faces of the building. This greening of the facades unites the building with the masterplan’s wishes to establish a green buffer zone along the crowded Nyhansgade. Green facades absorb CO2 from the air, increase levels of oxygen and add a range of other positive environmental qualities to the city. Planting can also filter dust and pollution particles from the air and reduce the levels of road traffic noise experienced in the area. The green facades will also create a new habitat in the city, a mini-ecosystem where insects and birds can thrive.


Surrounding the parking house, space is created for a range of different activities, such as basketball, skateboarding, and a climbing wall. This ensures that the building interplays with its surroundings, not only functioning internally as a parking house but provides for the community and recreational activities – giving value back to the city. The parking house was awarded by Aalborg Municipality in 2018 for its light and graphical facade solutions.

建筑师:SANGBERG Architects
面积:15200 m²
摄影:Rasmus Hortshøj – COAST
厂商: AutoDesk, Chaos Group, GRAPHISOFT, Purso, Adobe, Betonlasur, Napsu, RM, Woodfac
首席建筑师:Jonas Sangberg
客户:A. Enggaard A/S
城市 : 奥尔堡
Architects: SANGBERG Architects
Area: 15200 m²
Year: 2018
Photographs: Rasmus Hortshøj – COAST
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Chaos Group, GRAPHISOFT, Purso, Adobe, Betonlasur, Napsu, RM, Woodfac
Lead Architects: Jonas Sangberg
Clients:A. Enggaard A/S