OTRO BAR Cambuí项目诞生于业主的愿望,即在城市中心创造一个独特的空间,让品牌的身份在环境的各个方面得到体现。最终的结果是在一栋有三层楼的老房子里进行了彻底的改造,考虑到原有空间的动态性,我们感受到了巨大的潜力。连续的环境被划分在各楼层之间,允许设计汇集不同的活动,在空间中以综合方式流动。

The OTRO BAR Cambuí project was born from the owners’ desire to create a unique space in the heart of the city, where the brand’s identity was reflected in all aspects of the environment. The final result is the result of a complete renovation in an old house with three floors that, given the dynamics of the original space, the great potential was perceived. The continuous environment is divided between the floors, allowing for a design that brings together different activities that flow in an integrated way in the space.


The urban insertion of the lot directly reflects on the fundamental decisions of the project, as at the other end of the street there is a large square, which invites bar users to use the sidewalk and street space as an integral part of the space. Thus, it was decided to open large gates that directly connected the sidewalk with the internal area, in order to make the space fluid between the public and the semi-public, creating an invitation.


At the entrance, a double-height ceiling was created that increases the visual permeability of the space and creates a spaciousness for the bar space. On the lower floor, the space has a large backyard that drains the flow out in the opposite direction from the street, thus creating the sensation of traveling.


The materials used are simple and seek to reflect the brand’s identity in the space, creating a dynamic between colors, textures, and experiences in each small environment, generating inside.

Architects: Estúdio Mangava
Area: 300 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Lela Leme
Lead Architects: Paula Pereira e André Furcolin