一个雕塑家的天堂,在原始空间中隐藏着她对物体的爱的痕迹。Pallares之家和工作室是受Edna Pallares雕塑的物质性启发,结合将足够的光线带入不同空间的必要性而产生的工作成果。该项目由三个体量组成,每个体量由一个院子隔开,打算有一个令人惊讶的空间序列,当时,包含空间的限制是粗糙的,允许一个内省的感觉,其中庄严是埃德纳的作品生产的关键。

A sculptor’s haven, hiding traces of her love for objects in raw space. Pallares House and Studio is the result of a work inspired by the materiality of Edna Pallares sculptures combined with the necessity to bring adequate light into the different spaces. Composed of three volumes separated each by a courtyard, the project intends to have a surprising spatial sequence, at the time, the limits that contain the space, are rough and allow an introspective feeling, where solemnity is essential for the production of Edna´s work.

雕塑家Edna Pallares的房子,回应了她需要在她的工作室旁边居住一个空间的需求。该作品的灵感来自于她的雕塑作品的物质性。该项目由三个体量组成,每个体量由一个天井隔开,该项目提出了一个令人惊讶的空间序列,来自于一个带有钉子状墙壁的走廊,作为一个骨干连接所有空间。

The house for the sculptor Edna Pallares, responds to the need she had to inhabit a space next to her workshop. The work is inspired by the materiality of her sculptures. Composed by three volumes each separated by a patio, the project proposes a surprising spatial sequence, derived from a corridor with staple-shaped walls that connects all spaces as a backbone.


The design process was extended during the construction phase, accepting changes from Edna. The suggestions could range from sculptures embedded in the walls and floors to simple explanations of how she could inhabit the space. The drawing studio, which was not planned for the original project, stands out for its concrete roof following the shape of industrial saw teeth roofs, which puts a brutalist accent on the project.


The construction system is made up of red brick load-bearing, and a wooden beam supported mezzanine. This module accompanies the order of all the elements in space and, in some cases, the simple system acquires an ornamental complexity, as happens with the wall panels, where half of the partitions were turned outwards in a gesture of sculptural relief.

Architects: VRTICAL
Area: 318 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Rafael Gamo
Colaborators:Luis Beltrán del Río, Andrew Sosa
Structural Engineer:Gustavo Herrera
City:Mexico City