
Over the past decades, the world has encountered increasing challenges resulting from unprecedented rapid rates of technological advancements, increasing social and economic disparities, dangers from natural disasters, conflicting values and cultures, and more recently, life-threatening pandemics.

在这样的国家和全球危机中,普密蓬-阿杜德国王陛下在1974年阐述的 “充足经济理念 “已被公认为是指导国家实现包容性和可持续增长模式的希望之光。该理念基于这样的信念:充足的思维将加强人类的智慧、道德和免疫力,以应对不可预知的变化和威胁。

Amidst such national and global crisis, “Sufficiency Economic Philosophy” elaborated by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1974 has gained recognition as the beacon of hope guiding the nation towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Model. The philosophy is based on the conviction that sufficiency thinking will strengthen human capabilities with wisdom, morality, and immunities to cope with the unforeseeable changes and threats.

建立 “PANNAR充足经济和农业学习中心 “项目的目的是为了启发并向泰国人民传播国王的充足经济理念。该项目位于Nakhon-Ratchasima,占地14英亩,通过新农业模式将干旱和多石的荒地改造成稻田、水库、菜园、果林和一般用途的树木,以及动物养殖区。

The project ‘PANNAR Sufficiency Economic and Agriculture Learning Center’ is established with the aim to inspire and disseminate the King’s Sufficiency Economic Philosophy to the Thai people. The project is located in Nakhon-Ratchasima on 14 acres of land which had been transformed through the New Agriculture Model from arid and rocky deserted areas to rice fields, reservoirs, vegetable gardens, groves of fruit, and general usage trees, and areas for animal farming.


The main buildings in the project, The Activity Center, is a two-story building, designed to accommodate up to 100 people in a variety of functions. The first floor provides areas for the lobby (reception), rooms for seminars and workshops, a large canteen, and a kitchen. While the second floor contains offices and meeting spaces for staff, a control room, and facilities for invited trainers and resource persons.


In designing the buildings for the project, the architects were challenged to explore the essence of Sufficiency Economic Philosophy as related to architecture, especially whether the buildings must conform to traditional concepts of rural dwellings of bamboo huts or temporary shacks. After discussions with various stakeholders, the architects were able to demonstrate that local craftsmanship and local materials can become involved and transformed to create modern designs which are attractive, well suited for present-day ways of life, durable as well as achieving harmony with the environment.

该活动中心被放置在广阔的农田中作为地标,它被设计成一个大而开放的亭子,以便于利用自然光和自然通风灵活使用功能。由当地种植的竹子制成的宽阔而突出的屋顶有助于收集雨水,并将其排向建筑周围的小水渠,反过来,在到达天然水库之前,将水引向土地的其他区域,以便在干旱季节使用。土墙的自然颜色是通过对当地工匠的技能和当地土壤的实验而产生的,这进一步加强了 “充分的思维和心态”,使当地可用的材料和能力适应现代的使用。

The activity center is placed as the landmark among the vast agriculture fields, It is designed as a large and open Pavilion to facilitate flexible usage of functions with natural lights and natural ventilation. The expansive and prominent roof made from locally grown bamboos helps to collect and drain rainwater towards small canals surrounding the building and in turn, redirect the water to feed other areas of the land before reaching the natural reservoirs for usage during the drought season. The natural color of earthen walls, resulting from an experiment with local craftsmen’s skills and local soil further enhance “sufficiency thinking and mindset” in adapting locally available materials and capabilities for modern usage.


The activity center reflects the belief that architecture is a living science that must transform and grow with the new development of technology in response to evolving human needs and behaviours.

Architects: Vin Varavarn Architects
Year: 2021
Photographs: Ketsiree Wongwan
Interior Design:Vin Varavarn Architects
Contractor:Sutham Rattanadet of Construction team
Engineers:Site 83 engineering studio
City:Nai Mueang