新兴的荷兰艺术家和数字设计师Noortje Veenhuizen首先通过Instagram 培养了她对艺术插图的兴趣。她的当代设计以自信的光彩向女性致敬,无论是外观还是姿势都展现出自信。
“起初,我开始使用Instagram寻求灵感并与其他插画家取得联系,” Veenhuizen解释说。“社区很快激发了我的兴趣,现在我发现自己的风格是什么。” Veenhuizen以Nove Design的专业名称工作,并以创造温暖,女性化和强烈的角色为目的进行说明。她说:“我的目标是描绘具有不同背景,但有一个非常重要的共同点的女性:她们对自己的工作充满热情。” “他们有决心,有动力,有梦想。” 最终,Veenhuizen的中性米色设计旨在让女性的美丽和自信满怀自己。她说:“我想建立一个品牌,以支持女性寻找自己的身份。”

Emerging Dutch artist and digital designer Noortje Veenhuizen first developed her interest in art illustration through Instagram. Her contemporary designs champion women with an aura of confidence that is present in both their appearance and their poses.
“At first, I started to use Instagram for inspiration and to get in touch with other illustrators,” Veenhuizen tells IGNANT. “Quickly my interest was stimulated by the community, and now I’m discovering what my own style is.” Veenhuizen works under the professional name Nove Design, and illustrates with the intention of creating warm, feminine, and strong characters. “I aim to portray females who have diverse backgrounds, but have one very important thing in common: they’re passionate about what they do,” she says. “They’re committed, they’re driven, they’re dreamers.” Ultimately, Veenhuizen’s neutral, beige-colored designs intend to let the women’s beauty and self-assuredness speak for itself. “I want to build a brand that supports women in their search for their identity,” she says. “I’m just working on a small part of the bigger picture—the importance and power of women uplifting other women.”

Author:Noortje Veenhuizen
