
Peeking out from among the trees on the historic grounds of the 1969 Woodstock Music and Art Fair, Peak-A-Boo takes shape as a continuous series of wood-laminate arches and decks which form a pavilion and flexible performance space.

该装置是自1969年伍德斯托克音乐节以来宾迪集市树林中的第一件可编程的基础设施,并标志着一个为期三年的试点计划的第二阶段的开始,以在该地发展一个标志性的艺术和建筑节。该项目由贝瑟尔森林艺术中心策划,旨在用设计-建造教学法重新接触这个历史遗迹,并由德克萨斯理工大学学生制作/安装,作为尼尔-卢卡斯-希奇和i/thee领导的暑期课程 “建筑IRL “的一部分。

The installation stands as the first piece of programmable infrastructure in the Bindy Bazaar woods since the 1969 Woodstock festival and marks the beginning of the second phase of a three-year pilot program to develop a signature art and architecture festival at the site. Curated by Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, the project was meant to reengage the historic site with design-build pedagogies and was fabricated/installed by Texas Tech University students as part of the summer course, Architecture IRL, led by Neal Lucas Hitch and i/thee.

设计过程开始于德克萨斯理工大学的场外,学生们在那里用按比例的材料手工制作各种 “绗缝 “的木质层板设计方案的模型。这些模型随后被转化为计算脚本,以便快速制作原型和分析。最终的设计由60多块四分之一英寸的胶合板组成,经弹性变形后层压在一起,形成一个像素化的弯曲活性结构。这个弯曲板的 “波浪 “然后由六个层压木材拱门补充,这些拱门是用数字方式建造的,以模仿木质护墙板的自然弯曲。

The design process started off-site at Texas Tech University, where students modeled various “quilted” wood-laminate design solutions by hand with scaled materials. These models were then translated into computational scripts that allowed for rapid prototyping and analysis. The final design consists of over sixty quarter-inch plywood sheets, elastically deformed and laminated together to form a pixelated bending-active structure. This “wave” of bent plates is then supplemented by six laminated timber arches digitally constructed to mimic the natural bending of the wood sheathing.


The structure, in its entirety, was fabricated by students on-site at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts in the historic Bindy Bazaar—a craft bazaar and marketplace used as the main entry sequence for the 1969 Woodstock festival that has been in the process of restoration since 2017. Construction started with the hand-cutting of over 180 unique pieces, which were glue-laminated together to form the ribbed substructure.


Plywood sheets were next secured along the laminated arched members with screws and tied together with rivets. Conceptually, the project aims to bridge fraught binaries between analog and digital production modes; the structure was designed using computational digital tools and analyses but was constructed primarily by hand tools in-situ.


The result is a soaring structure, light as a feather but stiff as a board, cascading through the tree canopy like a wooden waterfall or magic carpet. Though it was built over the course of two weeks, the structure is embedded within the landscape—shrouded and punctured by forest flora—as if it has been there since 1969, awaiting rediscovery.


Ultimately, the justification for the structure lies in its ability to shape diverse and comfortable experiences: its arches creating the bandshells for performers to play under; its decks becoming the tiered seating for audience members; the pixelated surface providing an undulating canvas for dancing shadows seeping through the forest clerestory.

Architects: i/thee
Area : 2140 ft²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Breyden Anderson
Manufacturers : BEHR Premium, Grasshopper 3D, Handprint, McNeel, Titebond, Trimble, Wyde Lumber
Lead Design/Fabrication : Martin Hitch, Neal Lucas Hitch
Student Team Member : Toryn Allen, Kevin Carreon, Alexander Garza, Alexis Hunsucker, Peizhao Li, Edwin Montoya-Cruz, Jacqueline Nguyen, Somayeh Ramezani, Lily Sanders, Caleb Scott, Anabelle Rice, Georgia Thomas
City : Bethel
Country : United States