这座人行桥位于奥斯汀湖一个植被茂密的地方,连接着庄园里的主屋和新建的客房。该桥的设计灵感来自于覆盖湖岸的芦苇和其他本地植被,是一个轻型的、免维护的结构,与湿地环境融为一体。栅栏/芦苇在桥墩处交织在一起,”生长 “在桥上,将其伪装起来,并将桥转化为一个共生的、几乎看不见的链接。该桥由三个元素组成。

Located on a densely vegetated site in Lake Austin, the pedestrian bridge connects the main house on the property with a newly constructed guest house. With a design inspired by the reeds and other native vegetation that cover the shores of the lake, the bridge is a light and maintenance-free structure that is well-integrated within its wetland setting. The bars/reeds intertwine at the abutments and “grow” over the bridge, camouflaging it and transforming the bridge into a symbiotic, almost invisible link. The bridge is composed of three elements:


Superstructure: The arch structure spans 100 feet with a main span of 80 feet. It is composed of five nested five-inch diameter pipes that diverge gracefully between the spring-point of the main span and the abutment at the beginning of the bridge.


Decking and Railing: The pipes support 1/2” diameter bars which become both decking and guardrail via a simple field bend from horizontal to vertical. The irregular length and close spacing of the bars recall the native reeds of the site, and the thin profile of the superstructure is made thinner when viewed through the visual veil of the reeds. The handrail consists of a rope secured with steel wire rings to a 1×1 horizontal tube welded to the vertical bars.

支墩。原生石板垂直分层,以创建基台的坡道。 深耙状的接缝重现了桥面和栏杆的钢条的节奏。为了进一步将桥梁与自然环境结合起来,钢筋没有经过处理,就像绳索扶手和石头坡道一样。

Abutment: Native stone slabs are layered vertically to create the ramps at the abutments. Deep raked joints recreate the rhythm of the steel bars of the deck and railings. To further incorporate the bridge with its natural setting, the steel is left unfinished to weather, just like the rope handrail and the stone ramps.

Architects: Miró Rivera Architects
Area: 80 m²
Photographs: Paul Finkel