
Pragmatism + Symbolism
The light sheds is a photographer’s studio that stands in the garden of his existing house, located in the hilly region of southern Kanto. The space is solely composed of essential functions required for a photographic studio and the result is one single room of 4.5m by 7.2m. From the start, we had a simple concept of creating a simple, pragmaticsheds.

为了在有限的预算中形成一个大的体量,我们选择了一个木制框架,檐形屋顶结构。然而,山形屋顶通常需要水平托梁,这将减少照片拍摄所需的净高。按照简单的几何规则,屋顶被扭曲成一个多面的、不对称的形式。折叠线处的三根屋脊梁支撑着屋顶结构,不需要任何可能影响房间高度的水平部件。原木被选作屋脊梁,因为它们能够适应各种角度的复杂的木质椽子的组装。半透明的聚碳酸酯板显示了墙壁的 “舞台背景 “木质框架。

In order to form a large volume out of the limited budget available, a timber frame, gable roof structure was selected. However, a gable roof would typically entail horizontal joists, which would reduce the clear height required for photo shoots. Following simple geometric rules, the roof was distorted into a multi-facetted, asymmetric form. Three ridge beams at the folding lines support the roof structure, negating the need for any horizontal members that may compromise the height of the room. Logs were selected for the ridge beams, for their ability to accommodate the complex assembly of timber rafters at various angles. Translucent polycarbonate panels reveal the “back of the stage set” timber framework of the walls.


Like artists’ ateliers, photographic studios require ample ambient light. Direct sunlight creates overly strong contrasts that would result in unnatural portraits. A combination of skylights at 45 degrees and a clerestory let in diffused light from two different angles from above. Together with the wide windows on the side facing onto the lush garden, the interior, although enclosed, is always as bright as the external environment. It has the duality of being both outside and in, blurring the conventional architectural boundaries.

自从事务所的第一个项目–日本木材制造商的办公室c-office以来,应用务实的结构解决方案一直是我们所有项目的核心。我们也一直在探索如何继承并将日本传统木材构成的纯洁性转化为现代建筑。在这里,虽然原木横梁被用作完成任务的实用手段,但它们也带来了作为最古老建筑材料之一的象征意义。在这个项目中,我们能够测试这种原始材料的现代意义,通过使用它作为一个有意义的装置,创造一个人造的围墙,使摄影对象能够在 “自然 “光线下曝光。

Ever since the practice’s first project, c-office, an office for a Japanese timber manufacturer, application of pragmatic structural solutions has been the core to our approach in all projects. We have also been continually exploring ways to inherit and translate the purity of traditional Japanese timber compositions into modern construction.Here, while the log beams were employed as pragmatic means to fulfil the brief, they also bring along symbolic associations of being one of the oldest building material. In this project, we were able to test the modern significance of this primitive material through using it as a meaningful device to create a man-made enclosure where photographic subjects can be exposed in “natural” light.

Architects: FT Architects
Area: 33 m²
Year: 2014
Photographs: Shigeo Ogawa