
The design of buildings in the landscape is a separate architectural discipline. These are built against a backdrop of dense forests, fog, clouds, and hills. One works with on the scale of anthills, as well as entire landscapes, and the only real and lasting context is the starry sky.


The Lookout Spike is a part of a series of five lookouts that we have completed over the last ten years. This concludes a decade of our exploration into building in the great outdoors, one of our studio’s fields of interest. The diversity of the individual concepts stems from the different approaches to each site, making the series a showcase of architectural forms, always based on a careful analysis of the site and the rationale behind each design.

瞭望台矗立在Malý Špičák的顶部岩石上,向下看是Desná河和Kamenice河的汇合处的山谷。坦瓦尔德(Tanvald)雪橇赛道曾经从这里开始,在它的时代是体育活动的重要地点。Malý Špičák山坡上的雪橇赛道遗迹表明了它以前的路线。在某种程度上,Špička也是对那些穿着紧身工作服的地区英雄的致敬,他们无畏地骑着闪亮的雪橇进入陡峭的转弯,希望能缩短每一秒的时间。

The lookout stands on the top rock of Malý Špičák and looks down into the valley of the confluence of the Desná and Kamenice rivers. The Tanvald bobsleigh track used to start here, an important point of sporting activity in its own time. The remains of the bobsled track in the slope of Malý Špičák indicate its former route. In a way, Špička also serves as a tribute to the regional heroes in tight overalls, who fearlessly rode their shiny bobsleds into steep turns in a desire to cut every second off their time.


The aim of the design was to create a small but distinctive architecture. A building as delicate and elusive as a dewdrop that barely touches the rock. The lookout has three thin steel legs and a shiny belly that reflects granite, trees, people, and sky. The viewing platform, accessible by a ladder, offers a view of Tanvald and the surrounding mountains. The mirrored image on the curved surface below is distorted, the colors and reflections twist and blend. The experience of looking at the building is never the same. Images of the moment flow through the visitor’s eyes like rivers of endless transience.

Architects : Mjölk architekti
Area : 14 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :BoysPlayNice
Lead Architects : Jan Vondrák, Jan Mach
Contractor : SIZ
Structural Design : Jakub Souček
City : Tanvald
Country : Czech Republic