传递极简主义和斯堪的纳维亚风格是建筑师Nildo José对位于圣保罗黄金地段的一套公寓的任务。客户是一位来自金融市场的年轻人,热衷于艺术和极简主义,希望有一个没有多余的、充满艺术作品的公寓。

Transmitting the minimalist and scandinavian styles was the mission of the architect Nildo José to an apartment located in a prime area of São Paulo. The client, a young man from the financial market, passionate about art and minimalism, wanted an apartment without excess and mined with works of art.

为此,在选择材料的顺序上,自然来源的材料是优先的。欧洲橡木地板在每个社交区域都是一样的,甚至进入厨房,再次打破了一个 “禁忌”,即如果居民的生活方式允许,这种材料可以在任何地方使用。此外,象牙色的木板带来了清晰统一的色调,有助于温暖整个空间。厨房的橱柜,全部采用白色漆面,旁边的白色可丽耐台面带来了光亮和优雅的点。

For this, materials of natural origin took priority in the order of choices. The European oak floor is the same in every social area, even entering the kitchen and once again breaking a “taboo” that this material can be used everywhere, if the resident’s lifestyle allows it. In addition, the ivory wood panels bring a clear and uniform tone, helping to warm up the space. The kitchen cabinet, all in white lacquer, next to the white Corian countertops bring points of light and elegance.


The big highlight of the apartment is the dining table. It seems to float, which required a very well-developed partnership between the chosen suppliers, where a half-concrete wall supports a crimped metal beam that is at the bottom.

该公寓有一个标准的布局,不允许很好地利用空间,有一个修改的结构,满足了业主的愿望,即拥有一体化的环境和重视优势,如慷慨的右脚和令人难以置信的Pinheiros和赛马俱乐部的景色 – 从这个阳台看到的日落是城市中最美丽的之一。

The apartment, which had a standard layout and did not allow for the good use of spaces, had a modified structure, meeting the desire of the owner to have integrated environments and to value strengths such as the generous right foot and the incredible view of the Pinheiros and Jockey Club – the sunset seen from this balcony is one of the most beautiful in the city.

Architects: Nildo José
Area: 95 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Marco Antonio
Manufacturers: VitrA, Jader Almeida, Sérgio Rodrigues
Lead Architect: Nildo José
City:Vila Nova Conceição